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ofthe Human Mind
This article is from the script of a recent telecast by David Albert.
makes the
mind of man so su–
perior to the brain
of even the most in–
telligent animals? What is
the secret of the human
is a secret that psychology
knows nothing about, and reli–
gion has never properly ex–
To look at them, human brains
and animal brains look very much
alike. They have the same general
shape, structure and composition.
As to size, the brain of a chim–
panzee, one of the most intelligent
animals, is smaller than man's, but
the brains of elephants and dol–
phins are actually larger than
man's. Size and shape alone can't
account for the vast difference.
Then what does?
Animals can communicate with
each other; many of them have
highly developed senses of sight,
touch and hearing. But they don't
use letters, words, sentences, gram–
mar, syntax. They don't add and
subtract, multiply and divide. They
certainly can't comprehend alge–
bra, geometry, trigonometry and
Animal minds don
deal in ab–
stractions and theories. But clearly
our minds do. Why? What's the
difference? The theory of evolution
has never adequately explained the
difference- it sees man as just an–
other animal.
But there are other critica! dif–
ferences as well. The animal mind