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really wish you could. And many
people take jobs they dislike simply
because of the need at the time.
Now, with spare time, you may
pursue the work you really long to
do. But it may mean study. So take
courses, improve your skills, up–
grade your talents, increase your
ability. This could give you a new
direction in life.
Develop a hobby or sorne inter–
est. Not only will this occupy your
time and keep you positive, it can
also lead to self-employment. Sorne
who start hobbies develop them
in to profitable businesses.
May 1986
get. Of wanting to help others.
And with this approach it may
even open doors for you.
Get fit. Too many unemployed
Jet down physically. Full-time jobs
do not allow mucb time for fitness.
You may have been desk- or car–
bound for years and may have lost
youthful vigor, figure and vitality.
Now you have the time to change
that. Concentrate on physical fit–
ness. Walking, running, jogging
and swimming are good ways to
blow the cobwebs of frustration
from your mind. You will feel bet–
ter and be mentally sharper.
Next, read your Bible and come
to see the meaning and purpose of
life. This leads to a vital key for
surviving unemployment-know–
ing your unseen Partner.
Your Unseen Partner In Life
You are not alone in tackling the
plight of unemployment. You can
come to know a source of power
greater than employers or the job
market- a higher power who is
prepared to intervene supernatu–
rally in your life- the Creator
God. Use your time to become ac–
quainted with him. He can and will
act on your behalf, if you are will–
ing to obey his ways.
One of the traits of God's nature
is to be a provider to those who
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trust him. The patriarch Abraham
One might do volunteer work
whenever it is safe to do so in big
city neighborhoods.
Use initiative to help your neigh–
borhood. You now have the time
and it can help you understand the
pi igh t of others less fort unate.
Such insight should make you
grateful for what you have despite
being unemployed.
can also ex–
pose you to a new range of skills
and interests and spark fresh goals
in your life.
There is a benefit in fostering
community spirit within yourself.
involves an attitude of give- not
bad that lesson to learn. God tested
Abraham to see wbether he would
implicitly trust God to provide a
solution in the face of losing some–
thing dear to him. Abraham
obeyed. God provided the solution.
"And Abraham called the name of
the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide"
(see Genesis 22: 1-14,
Revísed A u–
thorized Version).
And so he will
for all who equally obey bim.
The invisible God can be your
help in unemployment trials. Use
your time to come to know your
unseen Provider in life.
Unemployment can be a serious
blow to the stability of a family.
Yet, approached positively, a con–
structive use of the time it affords
can see you come out of it fitter,
more skilled and armed witb the
belp of your unseen Partner. And
why not write for our booklet
Seven Laws of Success?
It's infor–
mative and, of course, free!
-Graemme Marshall