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suppose you' re an
unemployed teacher–
in Canada, perhaps.
Did you know that
Canadian teachers are migrating
south to teach in California and
Recruiters' Blitz
After 2,500 unemployed teachers
attended one hiring blitz in Van–
couver, B.C.-conducted by 26 re–
cruiters because of a teacher short–
age in the United States-several
hundred were hired.
Sorne of these teachers bad not
used their training since graduat–
ing. Sorne had not been able to
work at all. Others had survived by
working in restaurants, doing odd
jobs and part-time tutoring, realiz–
ing thát any job was better than
Across the Atlantic, Britain has
an army of unemployed- 3.2 mil–
lían. West Germany's 2.1 million
unemployed are called the number
one social problem.
Recent times have seen many,
worldwide, leave borne and coun–
try, legally and illegally, in search
of work. But what if you, tbat vast
majority, do not wish to leave, or
leave, borne or country?
Job Search Tips
Sorne employment experts say that
85 percent of jobs available on any
given date are not advertised.
They comprise the
job mar–
ket. These are often filled by
friends and relatives befare the
time of adver tising.
you can
make contact befare a job is adver–
tised you have the job field virtu–
ally to yourself. To discover these
jobs you have to talk to friends,
neighbors, former employers and
Turndowns are not a personal
rejection. They are simply part of
the process. The job search is often
a series of "nos" before a "yes."
lt's the same for everyone, whether
construction worker, geologist, sec–
retary or executive. So don't get
stopped or feel rejected by "nos."
Employers will consider hiring
you if they are convinced you will
bring them more value than you
cost. You have to be keen and in–
terested enough to show them this.
And they often get tired of only
hearing what the applicant wants
from the job. Be able to explain
what you can do for an employer.
Employers are often submerged
in résumés with little time to thor–
oughly read them. So make them
brief, clear, and be positive about
your accomplishments and
call on the employer personally af–
ter submitting a résumé. (Books
are available on how to write an
effective résumé; consult your local
Sorne job experts say that inter–
viewers are very likely to "judge a
book by its cover." The first 10-
seconds impression of you may de–
termine whether you're hired.
Make the cover as attractive and
appea,ling as possible.
Ways to Use Time Positively
Unemployment does have a silver
lining to its dark cloud.
something not available when fully
employed-TIME. Used construc–
tively, it can help you achieve
greater job potential or start you in
an entirely new direction.
When working full time there is
little chance to do the things you