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sick and chaotic world? This
world now faces, with no solution,
its number one problem- the
question of HUMAN SURVIVAL!
Can human life on earth survive
even through the short remainder
of this 20th century?
Consider now what has been
about God's PURPOSE for
the angels that sinned on earth.
For that angelic rebellion leads
directly to God's PURPOSE for
MAN-to our question of WHAT
and WHY is MAN?
Ear th's F ace in Devastation
nstead of improving, beautify–
ing, completing earth's creation,
the sinning angels brought it to
desolation and ruin.
Come now to Genesis 1:1-2:
n the beginning God created
the heavens [RSV] and the earth.
And the earth was without form
and void; and darkness was upon
the face of the deep...."
The original Hebrew for
"without form and void" is
and bohu- meaning "waste, des–
olate, deteriorated." The word
is also translated "became."
Thus possibly after millions of
years, all had cometo be oceanic
surface-and light had been by
angelic lawlessness turned into
Let me here interject a bibli–
cal principie within the immedi–
ate context. There is this in–
struction in Jsaiah: "Whom shall
he teach knowledge? and whom
shall he make to understand
doctrine? ... precept must be
upon precept, precept upon pre–
cept; line upon line, line upon
line; here a little and there a
little" (Jsaiah 28:9-10). But
most who try to apply this prin–
cipie in biblical understanding
take each "little" verse out of its
context, to "interpret" their own
ideas into it.
Much, directly concerned with
what is in Genesis 1, is filled in
by other passages of scripture in
other parts of the Bible.
So now, Iet's UNDERSTAND the
background. Earth's angels had
not completed the creation of the
earth by improvement, develop–
ment and beautification. Rather,
they had brought it to desolation
and ruin. The GOVERNMENT OF
Goo had been nullified on
And now, of allliving beings in
the universe, ONLYGoo could be
certainly relied upon never to
depart from the way of His Law.
No higber, more perfect being
could be created than the cherub,
Lucifer, who rebelled. Character
cannot be automatically created
by fiat. So God now determi ned,
or had predetermined, to accom–
plish the SUPREME creative feat–
reproducing Himse/f!
was to be accomplished through
MAN! God knew this must be
brought about through MATTER.
Man in God's lmage
To prepare the earth for the cre–
ation of man, God renewed the
face of the earth. This is ex–
plained in Psalm 104:30: 'Thou
sendest forth thy Spirit, they are
created: and thou renewest the
face of the earth."
Now back to Genesis 1:2: The
earth was in a state of ruin.
" ... And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the
T he first thing God did was
turn darkness back into LlGHT as
originally made. God said, "Let
there be light: and there was
light" (Genesis 1:3).
So in six days God RENEWED
original creation) preparing it for
the creation of MAN!
Once again the earth was a
perfect creation- but lacking the
finishing touches.
The Purpose of Man on Earth
WHY did the Creator God put
MAN on the earth? To
the physical earth as God gave it
to man,
its creation
(which sinning angels had delib–
erately refused to do.) and, in so
doing, to RESTORE the GOVERN–
MENT OF Goo, with God's WAY
of life; and further, in this very
by the development of
God's holy, righteous CHARAC–
TER, with man's own assent.
Once this perfect and righteous
character is instilled in man, and
man converted from mortal flesh
to immortal spirit, then is to come
TIAL-man being BORN INTO the
dívine FAMILY of God, and then
participatíng in the completion of
the CREATION over the entíre
endless expanse of the UNlVERSE!
God shall have reproduced HIM–
SELF thousands of millions of
times over!
So, on the síxth day of that
re-creation week, God
said, "Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness" (Gene–
sis 1:26).
Man was made to have (with
his assent) a special relationship
with his
He was made in
the form and shape of God. He
was gíven a spirit (essence in
form) to make the relationship
possible. Much more of that a
Iittle later.
The Soul ls Mor tal
But God made MAN
MATTER! This was necessary for
the supreme accompJishment
God willed.
"And the [Eternal] God
formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into bis
nostrils the breath [air) of life;
and man became a living soul "
(Genesis 2:7). Man, formed from
material dust of the ground, upon
breathing air, BECAME a living
does not say man is, or
has, an
soul. What was
formed from material ground
Therefore the SOUL is physical,
composed of matter, and can die.
This is a TRUTH believed by very
few denominations, and probably
by no other religíons-another
PROOF that identifies thc one true
Church of God!
How Human Mind Functions
Now we come to another truth, so
far as 1 know, exclusive to the one
true Church.
Did you ever wonder about the
va<;t difference between human
mind and animal brain? This,
incidentally, is another PROOF of
the falsity of the theory of evolu–
The physical brain of the high–
er vertebrates in the animal king–
(Continued on page 43)