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Voice Críes
Amid Religious
How could the world have become so mixed up? Out of this spiritual wilderness, a voice cries out in
clarity and power, with the reassuring truth of the world's only and sure hope!
Editor's note: We are printing here,
serial/y, the new book by Herbert
Armstrong with the same rifle as rhis
arricle. The book wi/1 appear in
bookstores larer this year.
Chapter 4
T SEEMS incredible indeed!
H igher education teachc s
technical courses in human
physiology, anatomy, anthro–
pology and psychology. The uni –
vers iti es take man apart and study
him minutely inch by inch. Thcy
study every factor and phase of
man. Yet they do not know WHAT
manis or WHY he carne to be here
on earth!
ls he merely the highest animal
species, descended by resident
forces , with no intelligent plan–
ning or designing, by the process
August 1980
Herbert W. Armstrong
of evolut ion? ls he an immortal
soul ? ls he human flesh and blood
with an immortal soul within
him? Just what JS a human per–
son, after all ?
And WHY?
Why is mankind here on the
earth? Did we simply
Or was there DESIG and PUR–
We say there is a CAUSE for
evcry effect. The effect, here, is
man. Man is
How- WHY
did he come to be hcrc? Was he
here, or did he just
blind, senseless, unintelligent pro–
cesses of evolution?
We ought to
to know!
But highe r education does not
know. And it doesn't
know! When we invade the ques–
tions of WHAT and WHY , the
intellectuals- the custodians of
KNOWLEDGE- shy away or stand
up and fight. Of the questions
WHAT and WHY is man, they are
wi llingly ignorant!
So, education shuts its mind,
and its mouth in tight silence.
Science doesn' t know. Religion
does not rcveal, for it also doesn't
Yes, incredible- but TRUE!
God Enters the Pic ture
WHY this wilful ignorance? Be–
cause Goo is involved. And the
primary divis ions of this world's
c ivi lizat ion- gover nment, reli–
gion, educat ion and sciencc- all
shy away from Goo. T hey want
Goo to keep His nose ou t of thei r
affai rs! The mention of God
embarrasses them.
In the preceding two chapters
we have covered the questions of
WHO and WHAT is Goo. And we
find God is quite REAL- He is
the Creator of all that is, and He
has an ultimate PURPOSE- the
creation of perfect, holy, righ–
tcous and spiritual CHARACTER,
in MAN made immortal!
So the presence of MAN on the
earth must have a definite rela–
tion to the PURPOSE of Goo the
With these basically important
quest ions and statements we must
a ll the evils in today's