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Jesus Foretold lt!
Other prophecies speak of this
same time of national calamity
greater than any before. The pivot–
New Testament prophecy is tbat
of Jesus on the Mount of Olives–
recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13
and Luke 21.
The apostles had asked Jesus pri"–
vately when his Second Coming
would occur- and the end of
world and the beginning of the hap–
py world tomorrow. Jesus said the
by which we might know
when this is very near would be
that his original gospel of the king–
dom of God would be preached in
all the world as a witness to al!
nations (Matt. 24:14). But what
else-just before his coming?
Jesus continued: "For then shall
be great tribulation, such as was
not si nce the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever
shall be. And except those days
should be shortened, there should
no flesh be saved [alive]: but for
the elect's sake those days shall be
shortened" (Matt. 24:21-22).
Here is described the greatest
time of trouble- tribulation-in all
history, or ever to be. Jeremiah
described itas "Jacob's trouble," so
great "that none is like it."
Daniel described the same most
severe trouble of all history. Speak–
ing of a time now in our immediate
future, Daniel foretold: "And at
that time shall Michael stand up,
the great prince [archangel] which
standeth for the children of thy
people: and there sball be a time of
such as never was since
there was a nation even to that
same time" (Dan. 12: 1).
The same most intense punish–
ment on Britain and America. And
when? Continue, same verse,
" ... and at that time thy people
shall be delivered [from this
enslaved t rouble] , every one that
shall be found written in the book.
And many of them that sleep [are
dead] in the dust of the earth shall
awake [resurrection], sorne to ever–
lasting life ...' ' (verses 1-2).
The time is just before the resur–
rection of the just, at Christ's com–
ing. Cbrist's Second Coming will
end this world's civilization and
start the wonderful peaceful, happy
world tomorrow!
Aprll 1986
(Continued from page 9)
people who were in the "in" crowd
at their high school. Where are
they now and how successful and
happy are they?
This article is not going to be a
long dissertation on the dos and
don'ts of sex. It's too broad a sub–
ject. However,
Plain Truth
founder Herbert W.
Armstrong, after years of counsel–
ing hundreds, more likely thou–
sands, of teenagers and other
young people, wrote a book that
covers the subject in depth. In his
The Missing Dimension in
Mr. Armstrong discussed
going steady, dating, the best age
for marriage and other instruction
vital to the happiness and fulfill–
ment of teenagers and adults. lt is
absolutely free. It is also available
in many libraries.
By the way, you can request
you r own free subscription to
This high-quality full–
color magazine for teenagers has
articles on dating, sexual morals
and a wide variety of subjects of
interest to young people.
We do care about you, Cindy,
and all you others out there who
are bucking a crowd on its way to
venereal disease, unwanted preg–
nancies, unhappy and broken mar–
riages and a generally miserable,
unsatisfying life. You have the op–
portunity to avoid these painful
problems and, instead, to have the
enjoyment now and tbe tremen–
dous marriage later that God in–
Cindy-stick up for your values.
You're definitely worth it!