(Continued from page 13)
In America, we print on our
money "In God We Trust." But in–
stead we rely on foreign allies and
our own human ingenuity, not in
Stealing from God
God has a financia! law for our
nations. He says 1O percent of the
increase, or gross income of each
one of us, belongs to God for bis
purposes and bis work.
In Malachi 3:8-10: "Will aman
rob God? Yet ye have robbed me.
But ye say, Wherein have we
robbed thee? In tithes and offer–
ings. Ye are cursed with a curse:
for ye have robbed me, even this
whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes
into the storehouse, that there may
be meat in mine house, and prove
me now herewith, saith the Lord of
hosts, if I will not open you the
windows of heaven, and pour you
out a blessing, that there shall not
be room enough to receive it."
After the year 1800 the English–
speaking world prospered because of
Abraham's obedience and God's
unbreakable promises to him. But
now having received such individual
and national prosperity, we sin by
stealing from God. That has brought
our nations under a curse. We have
won our last war. Nothing but trou–
bles now líe ahead until we repent.
God's tithe is holy to him (Lev.
27:30). God's Sabbath, the seventh
day of every week, is holy to him.
Yet we have put no difference
between the holy and the profane
(Ezek. 22.:26).
Now continue the prophecy in
Micah 5. Therefore, God will punish
and destroy
us-un/ess we repent–
just before and leading up to the
utter destruction to come "upon the
heathen" (verse 15), which will take
place at the very end of this age and
at the second return of Jesus Christ
as King of kings!
There is no other people that
even remotely fulfills this great
prophecy! But the American and
British peoples fulfill it precisely!
As the "pride of our power" con–
tinues to be broken, as the British
gradually lose their foreign sea
gates and possessions around the
earth, as America signs away own-
ership of the Panama Canal-con–
trol over this vital sea gate- as the
gold supply drains away, and
weather upsets increase, this focal
prophecy alone represents giant
as to where the modero
"remnant" of the peoples of Israel
resides today!
Punishment on All Nations!
It will now be made plain- from
God's own warning prophecies–
that this greatest multiplied inten–
sity of corrective punishment will
fall on Britain and America–
including British peoples in Com–
monwealth countries. And it will
strike them down first!
But they are not the only nations
to suffer corrective disaster. God is
Creator of all other nations, too!
God is concerned about the people
and races we have called "hea–
then." They, too, are human. They,
too, are made in God's own like–
ness, with the potential of being
· molded into God's spiritual and
character image! God sent the
apostle Paul to gentile nations!
All mankind has rebelled against,
rejected, and turned from God and
bis ways! There can never be peace
on earth unti l all nations will have
been turned to God and bis ways, ·
ruled by bis supreme government!
All mankind, right now, is caught
in the vortex of the swiftly accelerat–
ing crisis marking the utter destruc–
tion of tbis world's man-built,
Satan-inspired civilization.
Through Jeremiah God says: "A
noise shall come even to the ends of
the earth; for the Lord hath a contro–
versy with the nations, he will plead
with all ftesh"-how?
The World
program carries bis
peaceful pleading worldwide, but the
world, except for scattered individu–
als, does not heed this kind of
"pleading." The next words tell how
God is now about to plead: " ... he
will give them that are wicked to the
sword, saith the Lord. . . . Behold,
evil shall go forth from nation to
nation, and a great whirlwind shall
be raised up from the coasts of the
earth" (Jer. 25:31-32).
God will use a United Europe to
punish Britain-America. Then he
will use the Communist bordes to
wipe out the Roman Europe.
We are entering a time of world
trouble-utter world chaos! There
is war, strife, violence in Asia, Afri–
ca, South America, Central Ameri–
ca, Jreland, the Middle East-as
well as Europe and North America.
The population explosion is a
worldwide threat to human exis–
tence. Crime, vioience, sickness,
disease, inequality, poverty, filth,
squalor, degeneration, suffering–
these infest
But, as salvation is given first to
Israel, so is corrective punishment!
Our Great Tribulation
Notice Jeremiah's prophecy:
"For thus saith the Lord; We
have heard a voice of trembling, of
fear, and not of peace. Ask ye now,
and see whether aman doth travail
with child? wherefore do I see
every man with bis hands on bis
loins, as a woman in travail, and all
faces are turned into paleness?
Alas! for that day is great, so that
none is like it: it is even the time of
Jacob's trouble .. ." (Jer. 30:5-7).
Remember-in passing on the
birthright to the two sons of
Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh
(Gen. 48:16), Jacob said, "Let
name be named on them"-on
Ephraim and Manasseh- who to–
day are Britain and America. This
tells on whom this most terrible of
national calamities is to fall--on
Britain and America!
But now when is it to fall? Do
not assume this is referring to any–
thing that did happen to ancient
Israel. Read right on- see when
this prophecy is to be fu lfilled!
Continue in Jeremiah 30:7:
" ... it is even the time of Jacob's
trouble; but he shall be saved out of
(After he has Jearned bis lesson
it!) Continuing from the
Standard Version:
"And it shall
come to pass in that day, says the
Lord of hosts, that I will break the
yoke from off their neck [yoke of
slavery], and
will burst their
bonds, and strangers shall no more
make servants of them. But they
shall serve the Lord their God and
David their king, whom
will raise
up for them." (David, at the time
of the resurrection-at the very
time of Christ's coming!)
So the time is just prior to
Christ's coming-coming to líber–
ate our peoples-even as Moses lib–
erated ancient Israel from Egyptian