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mature in their thinking that
they've labeled her body sorne sort
of personal sexual experimentation
And you young men, realize that
there are certain girls who will
experiment with your feelings and
cast you aside like an empty soft
drink can. That's the way you
feel afterward: crushed, eqlpty
and used-a worthless piece of
They'll compare your per–
formance with others. You're
just someone for them to
make fun of with their
friends. A humiliating ex–
perience? You bet. One
that neither you nor any–
one else, no matter what
age, should ever have to
Be wary. It's an ex–
perience that can per–
vert your feelings
about the opposite sex
and affect your sex–
ual life, even in mar–
A Gift From God
Sex is a beautiful gift from God.
These warm, titillating sensations
didn't just evolve from nowhere.
Those almost overpowering needs
for !ove and companionship were
put there for a divine purpose. God
meant for you to experience them.
He's not trying to keep you from
having a good time. His guidelines
are so you can experience to the
fullest extent what he designed for
you to enjoy.
Does that sound strange?
Haven't you sometimes felt that
God doesn't want you to have fun?
That isn't true.
Do you know what God really
wants for you? He wants you to be
the attractive, healthy, wholesome,
talented person you hardly dare to
dream about. Well-balanced, popu–
lar with both young and old–
that's what he wants for you. He
wants you to be looked up to and
respected. He wants you to find the
most wonderful fellow or girl to
date and finally marry. He wants
you to experience the most satisfy–
ing, exciting sexual moments with
that person that can be experi–
enced. He designed you to have
that kind of life.
The problem is most people
don't believe it. Their thinking is
all turned upside down. Tbey think
moral guidelines are there to keep
them from full enjoyment of their
senses. No, they're there to pro–
tect , to shield from what would
certainly ruin those beautiful years
Hanging in There
Cindy (you know who you are), I
hope you hang in there.
I hope Cindy doesn't make the
big mistake she's seen her friends .
make-the unwanted
the ruined lives.
won't be easy.
It's easier with parental support,
but in many instances teens are not
getting this support because par–
ents are confused too. Many have
just given up on their kids. I'm
sure Cindy's parents would be sur–
prised to know how she really feels.
But, teens, give your parents a
break. They find talking to you
about sex is one of the hardest
things they have ever tried to do.
So they procrastinate. Finally when
they realize you're past puberty
and growing up fast, sorne self-con–
sciously offer you, male or female,
birth-control advice.
that's hap–
pened to you, I'm sure you felt
confused. You may
have wondered:
What are my parents
trying to tell me? Is it
OK to do it as long as
1 don't get pregnant or,
if a fellow, if I don't get
someone else pregnant?
Parents mean well , but
many times they have
been intimidated by the so–
ciety we live in. Parents are
pictured by the media as
fumbli ng, bumbling fools
who are having little success
governing their own sex lives,
let alone those of their chil–
dren. And parents have cometo
believe it..
What a travesty. lf parents
have made serious mistakes, that
should be all the more reason to
instruct their children and to try to
protect them from the same pain.
Young people, if you're deter–
mined to have that bright future
that can be yours, the one that God
has designed for you to have,
you're going to have to take charge
of your own life and have a plan.
well-meaning adults, doctors,
nurses or parents, offer you birth–
control aids, realize their motiva–
tion is to protect you. But also
know that sexual intercourse is
much more than the physical act
they imply. Sex before marriage is
not OK, even if nobody gets preg–
nant or contracts a venereal disease
or STO as they call them now.
Sexually transmissible diseases
- 1 guess that sounds nicer. But
there's nothing nice about con–
tracting one or severa! of the vene–
real diseases rampant today.
lt Won't Be Easy
In today's society, saying noto sex
is not going to be easy in every
circumstance. Nothing worth
having is ever easy to attain. It
takes personal courage and de–
termination on your part.
We're sexual beings. Sex is a
most powerful driving force
in our lives. Respect that
force. Don't underestimate
its power in your life.
Put off until later going
out on dates by yourself,
just the two of you. Save
this orie-on-one dating
for when you are older