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There· is a way to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your money.
Discover how it's possible to have more left over from each paycheck.
there is a
worldwide crisis in
money. Inflation is
down. Interest rates
are down. But nations and
individuals who owe money
are fi ndin g repayment of
debts next to impossible.
The Cause
There is a cause for every prob–
lem- and a cur e.
But what do we see today? In–
stead of getting at the cause of
their problems, people want to
.treat the penalties! Medica! doc–
tors, for example, generally treat
the sickness, have little time for the
cause of the sickness.
When it comes to money, people
don' t seek the cause of their prob–
lems. They attempt to treat the
effect. If they are too heavily in
debt, or their monthly payments
are eating up their salary checks,
they look for an "easy payment
plan ," or open up a revolving
charge account, a credit checking
account , or step to a bank offering
" insured ready cash. "
Is it any wonder that those who
are in debt usually remain in debt?
These varied easy credit arrange–
ments do not solve the fi nancia}
problems of most people. They per-
February 1986
petuate them. They keep people in
the habit of overspending, of
stretching out payments- with
heavy hidden interest rates.
Families already in debt are per–
suaded to think there is an easy
way to
more and pay later. The
emphasis is on
not giving.
The fundamental cause of finan–
cia! problems is going the way of
human nature . Human nature
wants to get , wants to satisfy and
please the self.
wants to satiate
the five senses. If we see sorne
object especially appealing, the
senses immediately exert a pull on
the mind . We suddenly find
ourselves wanting to have it. Jn–
stead of asking ourselves whether
we can afford it, we seek an easy
out through sorne financing plan.
lt's time we looked at human
nature for what it is. Human na–
ture exemplifies the way of getting.
is the way of lust, of covetous–
ness, of greed, of vanity. Uncon–
trolled, it leads to ruin- including
financia! ruin.
Human nature is the opposite of
God's basic law- the Ten Com–
mandments. The law of God was
given to man to teach him the way
of giving, of helping, of loving
neighbor as much as self. Jt was
given, if you please, to teach us
how to keep out of debt- how to
right ly use our income. Yet how
many people today have been mis–
led into believing that the law of
God is evil, harsh, cruel, and bad
for us? Is it any wonder that so
many religious people are poor,
debt ridden, financially insecure?
I t ought to be just the opposite!
Flnaneial Law Regulates lncome
The reason for financial problems
broken law!
is time we recog–
nized that God set laws in motion
to govern everything in the uní–
verse. There are laws of physics
and chemistry, laws of health and
success, and financia! laws. But
how many people follow them to–
You probably did not know
there is a fundamental law God set
in motion to teach you how to han–
die your income.
you break that
law you suffer financia! penalties.
Most poor people stay poor because
they are breaking that law. Pros–
perous people would be free of
worries and even more prosperous
if they would keep it.
Those who do keep it find the
solution to their financial worries.
lt provides them the feeling of se–
curity they never hád before.
That law is based on the fact
that God created all that is. What
you think is yours is not really
yours-that is, not until you have
paid God bis part. Then God gives