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when he would be ready "finally to
make our voice heard, and see our
rights recognized!"
1935 carne. The hour struck!
Mussolini attacked! Notice verse
40: "and the king of the north shall
come against him like a whirlwind,
with chariots, and with horsemen,
and with many ships; and he shall
enter into the countries, and shall
overflow and pass over."
A whirlwind comes in the air,
sweeping all before it. Mussolini
did send a great air force into
Africa! Also many modero "chari–
ots"-trucks, tanks, etc.- and
ships, Joaded with soldiers. More
than 100,000 sailed to Ethiopia.
And, notice it, Mussolini's forces
were to pass over- in the air!
at this precise point in this as–
tounding prophecy that Mussolini 's
struggle in Ethiopia and in World
War II ended. Mussolini did not
finish the prophecy. There is yet
another leader to arise in Europe!
Notice what will next happen!
Verse 41 - " He shall enter also
into the glorious land ..." - the
Holy Land. This is soon to be ful–
filled .
When the coming reviva! of the
Roman Empire takes the Holy
Land, then the nations will be
plunged into the initial phase of the
great, last and final crisis at the
close of this age! Other prophecies
reveal that this reviva! of the Ro–
man Empire will bring into subjec–
tion the U .S. and Britain! (Request
our free book
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.)
"And," continues verse 41,
" many cóuntries shall be over–
thrown: but these shall escape out
of his hand, even Edom, and Moab,
and the chief of the children of
Ammon"-the modero land of the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan .
The coming dictator will unite
many others with him- 1O in all
(Rev. 17:12)- reviving the ancient
Roman Empire.
Verse 42 says Egypt shall not
escape, proving Egypt is not now
the "king of the south."
Verse 43 says the Libyans and
Ethiopians (observe that after its
conquest by Mussolini, Ethiopia is
not again referred to as the king
of the south) shall be at his
steps-and he will then control
them. ltaly lost control of Libya
and Ethiopia at the end of the war.
Verse 44- but news out of the
east and out of tqe north- Russia
and the Orient- shall trouble the
revived Roman Empire. Russia will
enter the war!
Verse 45-the coming Roman
Empire shall establish its palace, as
capital of the revived Roman Em–
pire, · and eventually its religious
headquarters, at Jerusalem!
Zechariah 14:2 says the city shall
be taken!
et he shall come to his
end, and none shall help him"! This
language signifies the end of the
"beast" and the "false prophet" at
the hand of God!
ou will find this
end described in Revelation 19:19-
20 and Zechariah 14:12. Write also
for our free booklet
Who or What
l s the Prophetic Beast?
And now what is the time of this
end, at the close of this marvelous
prophecy? The next verse, Daniel
12: 1, says at the time of the resur–
rection of the just-at the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ!
This prophecy begins with the
kingdoms of Syria and Egypt, .soon
after the death of Alexander the
Great-2,300 years ago. But it
ends at the time of the resurrection
and the Second Coming of Christ
to bring peace at last to the re–
gion-and to the entire world!
so plain, there can be no doubt of
its right application!
A Present Day Proof
There is a present day PROOF of the
existence of God and the authentic–
ity of the Bible.
conceros this
very article before your eyes this
minute, and the work that pro–
duced it.
The central prophecy given by
Jesus Christ himself is found in
Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke
21. These are three accounts by
three inspired writers writing on
the same theme.
I refer to Matthew 24:14: "This
gospel of the kingdom shall be
preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end come." Jesus was
He was replying to a question by
the apostles, "What shall be the sign
of thy coming, and of the end of the
world?" (verse 3). This is the only
place in the Bible where the words
"end of the world" appear.
Jesus was speaking to his disci–
ples atop the Mourit of Olives, fac–
ing Jerusalem from the east. The
gospel of Christ, the only gospel he
proclaimed and taught , was the
kingdom of God. In verse 11 of
this same speech Jesus waroed
them that many false prophets
would arise. In verse 4 Jesus
warned these apostles: "Take heed
that no man deceive you." He was
speaking to them. He had preached
to and taught them the good news
of the kingdom of God. In verse 5
Jesus said to his disciples, "For
many shall come in my name,"–
every place in the Bible when peo–
ple carne in the name of Christ
they were appearing as his repre–
sentatives or ministers- "saying, I
[Jesus] am Christ; and shall de–
ceive many."
That happened. Within a short
period after the Church was founded
on the day of Pentecost, A.D. 31, a
violent controversy arose conceroing
whether the gospel to be proclaimed
was the gospel OF Christ-Jesus'
own gospel that he proclaimed and
taught, or a gospel ABOUT Christ.
Jesus had come as a messenger bear–
ing a message from God about the
kingdom of God. That message was
his gospel. But soon many were ig–
noring Jesus ' gospel- the kingdom
of God-and preaching mere!y that
Jesus was tbe Christ, preaching
about the messenger, ignoring his
message or gospel. That is still con–
tinuing today.
In Galatians 1:5-6 we learn they
were, on ly 20 years after the
Church was founded, turoing to
another gospel than that which Je–
sus taught.
For 1,900 years this went on.
Then, beginning 1934, the true
Church of God started the present
World Tomorrow
program, for the
first time in 1,900 years proclaim–
ing the gospel OF THE KJNGDOM to
the world! Meanwhile, during the
years we have been proclaiming
this gospel, the weapons of mass
destruction have been produced
that can erase all humanity. The
IS NEAR! Write for our booklet
We in the Last Days?
That very fact is another proof of
the authority of the Bible!