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had simply AS–
SUMED, because of Sunday school
upbringing, that God exists. Now
it appeared evident, IF evolution be
true, the existence of God was a
myth. 1 had to be sure. 1 could no
longer carelessly assume.
On the one hand studies in evolu–
tion shook my faith in God and the
Bible. But in studying H.G. Wells'
The Outline of History,
ticed such statements in accepting
the evolutionary theory as, "Scien–
tific men have discussed the possi–
bility of life ... but they point
merely to questionable possibili–
ties." "They consider" thus and so.
"Astronomers give us convincing
reasons for supposing...." "We do
not know how life began upon the
earth." " Probably the earliest forms
of life were... ." "They must have
appeared...." "Speculations about
geologic time vary enormously...."
"The first jelly-like beginnings of
life must have perished. ..."
was amazed! Mr. Wells and the
scientists did not seem to be SURE!
Then l looked into the Bible,
discredited as it is by those who
believe what they may suppose,
what they do not know, what may
well have been, etc. And in the
Bibl e
found definite, positive
statements expressed as in AU–
THORITY. For example, in Genesis
1:1, " l n the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth" (Re–
vised Authorized Version). No
"may have created," or " We do not
know how the earth carne." No
"We may well suppose." No theo–
ries. Just the authoritative positive
statement, "God created . ... "
Then verse 3: "And God said, Let
there be light: and there was light"
(AV). Not "perhaps," not "We
may well suppose," but " ... there
was light." A definite, positive
statement of AUTHORITY. AJI the
way through the Bible
found it to
be POSITIYE, definite, authoritative!
The Bible claims to be the SURE
Word of God.
is not unsure! l t
is not speculative.
Then in its chapter of origins, in
Genesis, it explains definitely with
authority how man originated, how
the first man made a decision upon
which human civilization has been
built-and it gives the only possi–
ble explanation of WHY we live
today in a world of awesome mate-
rialistic progress and accomplish–
ment, paradoxically with appalling
and escalating evils. Evolution has
no explanation and no solution to
offer. The Bible has both.
Evolution gives no explanation of
why humans exist on earth-of the
present paradox of mounting evi ls
accompanying awesome progress–
no hope for the future of a world
falling apart, about to destroy itself
witb the nuclear weapons of mass
destruction. No explanation of the
cause of the appalling evils and the
hopeless future staring so many
that dares to write out the future
bistory of this world in advance–
that dares to prophesy what is actu–
ally going to
within 15 or
20 years to specific nations.
would you believe
you what this book predicts? 1f 1
told you what it predicts about
nation? Would you believe it?
You know, we have gotten away
from believing that the Bibl e
means what it says. We may not be
ATHEISTS. We may not
Holy Bible. But we are living now
in an age of SKEPTICISM. We are
Wbat is tbe origin of mankind? Biologist Sir Julian Huxley (left) and naturalist
Cha rles Darwin failed to find tbe answer.
youths in the face today. The Bible
explains it all.
reveals the causes,
the present effects, and the
tremendous PURPOSE being worked
out here below.
Yes, bu t bow do we KNOW, defi–
nitely, wbether the Bible revelations
are in fact TRUE? Personally
had to
be SURE.
proved the existence of
God to my satisfaction, and 1
PROVEO the authenticity and author–
ity of the Bible. That was satisfying
to me beyond words. But vou! You
have a mind of your own. You will be
held responsible for bow you analyze
these questions. That is YOUR prob–
lem and not mine.
can only share
with you what
have learned and
proved, and you must be responsible
for YOUR decisions.
lt Dares to Foretell the Future!
Here is a book- the Holy Bible-
living in an age of doubt.
Most highly educated people,
and men of science,
the Bible is
the infallible reve–
lation of a supernatural God, and
ENTIFIC PROOF tbat tbey demand
on material questions.
Most fundamentalist believers
on sheer faith,
never hav–
ing seen proof,
that the Holy Bible
is the very Word of God.
Very few people have stopped to
prove whether or not the Bible is
really the inspired Word of God.
Very few people TREMBLE before
what it says or regard it as having
How Could You Prove lt?
Sorne people seem to think that
Jesus' miracles were recorded to
bis divine Messiahship. But