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.an can
you prove
by Herbert W. Armstrong
Why 1s the world's best-selling book held in awe by sorne, in passive discredit by
others, and understood by virtually none?
m yste r y no b o d y
seem s to know ?
Why do t he many
churches of t raditiona l Chris–
t ianity disagree a bout wha t
the Bible says?
Have yo u ever
the book itself pu r–
is the a u thoritative
Word of the Creator God?
Rather, have you not simply
assumed , f rom wbat you have
heard, read or been taught, t hat
it is either authentic, o r else the
religious writing of a small , an–
cient J ewish race, groping in the
darkness of human ignorance
and of superst ition, trying to de–
velop a concept of God?
If you are college or university
educated, you have undoubtedly
been taught that humanity origi–
nated through the theoretical pro–
cess called evolution. But the edu–
cated of this world in nearly all
cases have been taught only one
side of the subject of origins- the
theory of evolution. On the con–
trary, most of those lacking higher
education in the U nited States
"Bible Belt," for example, have
been taught only, and accepted
the teaching that
the Bible is indeed the very Word
of God.
A world-famous evangelist has
confessed publicly that he accepted
the authority of the Bible without
having seen it proved . Even though
he had seen no real proof that the
Bi ble is the au thentic Word of God,
he had decided to accept itas such on
sheer faith. But the Bible quotes
God as saying: "P rove me now here–
with . .." and again : " P rove all
things." T his evangelist apparently
accepted the authority of the Bible
because he had "accepted Christ"
and at the same time blindly ac–
cepted what those humans who led
him into the acceptance of Christ
themselves accepted.
Isn't it about time- and the
point of rational wisdom- that you
this important question once
and for all? Because,
the Bible is
in fact the inspired authentic Word
of a living, all-knowing, all -power-
fui God, then your eternity will be
j udged by it.
1 Faced This Same Question
In the year of 1926, at age 34,
personally was faced with this ques–
tion. l was challenged on both evolu–
tion and belief in God and the Bible.
I was brought to realize that l had
simply assumed, without proof, that
a Creator God exists and that evolu–
tion was not the true explanation of
origins. Both my marriage and my
business life were at stake.
I realized I had made no in–
depth study and research into ei–
ther side of the question . The
stakes were high. I delved into the
most serious study and thorough
research of my life. First I pursued
thoroughly the works of Darwin,
Haeckel , Huxley, Vogt and Cham–
berlin, and even of Lamarck before
Darwin. Their works were learned,
thought-provoking, although theo–
retical, and soon my head was
swimming. I felt my mental under–
pinnings slipping away. I was con–
fused . 1 realized that, though 1 had
been reared in a family that had
been of the Protestant faith for