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What Our Readers Say
Olympic Games
Your article, "Why the Political
lmportance of the Olympic Games," was
very well done-and should have much,
much wider circulation.
Frankly, 1 knew the political ramifica–
tions as you presented thcm. However , 1
do not recall seeing one other article
which laid out the facts as they really
always have been.
World Affairs
Frank E. Smith
New Port Richéy, Fla.
1 have been reading this magazine for
about two years now. Presently 1 am on
active duty in the Army and attending
one of the Army's senior colleges.
is interesting to note how many of
your stories correlated with what we
are studying in world affairs. 1 often
use the magazine for a reference, as
both the contemporary view _and pre–
dictions of the past are quite unsettling
and accurate.
E. M. Kain
Leavenworth, Kan.
As you may know, the small Carib–
bean island of Dominica was badly hit by
hurricane David just over five months
ago. Our library lost its roof together
with many other buildings in the school,
the church and presbytery.
As you can imagine, the damage and
chaos to books was severe. Sorting among
the damaged books, trying to d ry and
salvage sorne, 1 carne across
The Ten
published by Ambassa–
dor College.
As 1 am writing to many libraries and
organizations asking for books to restock
the shelves, and as the stuck pages of
your booklet were so invit ing-1 could
read severa! pages, alt hough most were
completely stuck- 1 thought 1 would
write you a request for some of your
publications together with the one al–
ready mentioned. By the way we do get
July 1980
The Plain Truth,
and it is read by many
of our 472 students
The Newborn
T. Hicks
Roseau, Dominica
The article in the March issue, "Un–
masking A Conspiracy Against the New–
born," is so true, so needed in our society.
There is too much ignorance of the
importance of
at birth.
On a persona l leve!, with my fi rst baby,
1, having no knowledge of maternal
infant bonding and . the hospital staff
having no knowledge of it either evident–
Iy, was not allowed to hold my baby for
24 hou rs. We never bonded. T here is no
going back to that precious hour of birth,
to hold him in my arms, to look deeply
into his innocent blue eyes and have him
look intent ly in to mine, for him to smell
my individual scen t, my loving voice
imprinting on his mind. That moment is
lost, and much, much more was Iost with
that moment. We cannot go back, no
matter how we try to !ove, to bond. We
!ove each other, but. ...
Sadly, you could say my famjly is a
personal experimenl in the bonding t beo–
ry. My second chi ld was born wh ile 1was
awake and aware, but still at the merey
of the tardy, hurried doctor. 1 still felt as
if 1 were a mere spectator, watching
somehow, perhaps overhead, the delivery
table, while the doctor had the woman
st rapped down with her legs pu t into
st irrups, and then the doctor delivered
into the world a beautiful baby of the
watching woman.
Wit h our thi rd baby the exper iment
continued. Our baby came into our fami–
ly one Sunday morning, the sun shining
in through our bed room window and with
the sun shi ni ng were Mommy and Dad–
dy, b rothe r and siste r, grandma and
grandpa a ll shining at our new, livi ng,
breathing, wet. squi rmy gift and miracle
from God. We all loved him instantly
with emotions no words can describe. 1
feel so fut ile, being a writer and not being
able to put my very most importan!
feelings into words.
1 once was coordinator, of a Family
Education Ccnter that taught parenting
skills to parents-communication skills,
etc. We though t we were teaching pre–
vention of family problems. We were
wrong. Any organization that waits until
after the baby comes home from the
hospital to teach parenting is not teach–
ing prevention of problems. Why? Be–
cause they negate t he importance of
bonding, of nurturing from the very
moment of birth and onward . Without
this special God-planned bonding be–
tween mother, fa t her, older children and
the new baby, problems must arise.
1 see too many mothers who obviously
never experienced this bond at bir th.
People say tha t we were brave to take the
responsibilit y of a home birth. 1just smile
because after reading on the subject of
home birth vs. hospital birth for low-risk
mothers, 1 would have needed a ·lot more
courage to go to a hospital.
Mrs. Michel Falardeau
Danville, 111.
Radio Moscow
1 hea rd a broadcast from
Radio Mos–
in which the announcer asked for help
in qu itting the cigarette smoking babit. 1
keep my
Plain Truth
back issues. so 1
found one and clipped out an article which
should have been ofhelp to him.
Also 1 sent a clipping from
Plain Truth
about t he Uni ted Nations, and 1 asked
them why they did not Jet t he United
Nations help settle the problems in Af–
ghanistan and specifically why they went
into Afghanistan with troops, tanks and
nerve gas if they intend to follow their
announced policy of "noninterference in
in terna!a ffa irs ofother countries."
To my surpri se, 1 received a letter from
them saying t hat my questions would be
answered on t hei r program
Moscow Mail–
Neal Winningham
HoneyGrove, Tex.