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(Continued from page 14)
ancient king of Tyre was a type.
God says to the prophet Ezekiel :
"Son of man, say unto the prince of
T yrus [actually referring to a
powerful religious leader to arise
in our time], Thus saith the
Lord God; Because thine heart is
lifted up, and thou hast said, 1 ama
sit in the seat of God, in the
midst of tbe seas; yet thou art a
man, and not God, though thou set
thine heart as the heart of God:
Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel;
there is no secret that they can h ide
from .thee: with thy wisdom and
with thine understanding thou hast
gotten thee riches, and hast gotten
gold and silver into thy treasures
[or "treasuries"- RSV] ... and
thine heart is lifted up because of
thy riches: therefore thus saith the
Lord God; Because thou hast set
thine heart as the heart of God ;
behold , therefore
will bring
strangers upon thee, the terrible of
the nations ... they shall bring
thee down to the pit, and thou shalt
die the deaths of them that are slain
in the midst of the seas" (Ezek.
28:2-8). (Compare with 11 Thessa–
lonians 2:3-4 , speaking of "that
man of sin ... who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is
called God ... so that he
sitteth in the temple of God, shew–
ing himself that he is God.")
What a Super Being!
But at this point, as in Isaiah 14,
the lesser human ant itype lifts to a
greater spirit being. lnstead of the
pr ince of T yre- a human man- it
now speaks of the
of Tyre.
This is the same Lucifer.
Ezekiel the prophet continues:
" Moreover the word of the Lord
carne unto me, saying, Son of man,
take up a lamentation upon the
of Tyrus, and say unto him,
Thus saith the Lord God; Thou seal–
est up the sum, full of wisdom, and
perfect in beauty" (verses ll- 12).
Please read that again! God
would never say anything like that
of a human man. This superb spirit
being ñlled up the sum total of wis–
dom, perfection and beauty. He was
the supreme pinnacle, the master–
piece, of God' s creation, as an indi–
vidually created being, the greatest
November/ December 1985
one in the almighty power ofGod to
create! The tragic thing is that he
rebelled against his Maker!
"Thou hast been in Eden the
garden of God " (verse 13). He had
inhabited this ear th. His throne was
here. "Every precious stone was
thy covering ... the workmanship
of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was
prepared in thee in the day that
thou wast created" (verse 13). He
was a
created being-not
human. He was a spirit being- not
human flesh. Great genius and skill
in music was created in him. Now
that he has become perverted in all
thinking, acting and being, he is the
real author of modern perverted
music and the modern rack beat–
of discordant moans, squawks,
shrieks, wails- physically and emo–
tionally excitable beats-unhappy,
discouraged moods. Think of all the
supreme talent , ability
and potential in a being /
created with such capaci–
ties. And all perverted!
He was trained and experienced in
the administration of the govern–
ment of God . God chose such a
being, well-experienced and
trained, to be the king ruling the
government of God over the angels
who inhabited the whole earth.
Continue: " ... thou wast upon
the holy mountain of God; thou
hast walked up and down in the
midst of the s tones of fire. " This
is not talking about any human
being. But conti nue: " Thou wast
perfect in thy
from the day
that thou wast created, till iniqui–
ty [lawlessness] was found in
thee" (Ezek. 28: 15). He had com–
plete knowledge, understanding
and wisdom. But he also was giv–
en full powers of reasoning, think–
ing, making decisions, making his
choice. And, with all this fore–
knowledge- even of results and
All gane sour- all dissi–
pated, turned to hatred,
destruction, hopelessness!
Yet, take courage. The
awesome human poten–
tial, if we care enough
about it to
wiles and evils and dis–
couragements and to per–
severe in
God's way,
infinitely superior and
higher than Lucifer's-
od assigns angels
responsibilities, but God
created within them
minds-with power to think,
to reason, to make choices
and decisions!
even as created,
he turned to
rebellion and iniquity!
But continuing the particular
revelation of this crucially impor–
tant missing dimension in knowl–
edge: "Thou art the anointed cher–
ub that covereth ; and
have set
thee so," says God of this Lucifer.
This takes us back to the 25th
chapter of Exodus, where God gave
Moses the pattern for the ark of the
covenant. The description begins
with verse 1O, and verses 18-20
show, in the material pattern, the
two cherubs who were stationed at
each end of the very throne of God
in heaven-the throne of the gov–
ernment of God over the entire uni–
verse. The wings of the two cher–
ubs covered the throne of God .
Trained at Universe Headquarters
This Lucifer, then, had been sta–
tioned at the very throne of God.
consequences- this superb being,
the highest that even God could
create by fiat, turned to rebellion
against his Maker-against the
way that produces every good. He
turned to law lessness. He had
been trained in the administration
of perfect law and arder. As long
as Lucifer continued in this per–
fect way, there was happiness a nd
joy unspeakable over the whole
earth. There was glorious peace–
beautíful harmony, perfect love,
cooperatíon. The government of
God produced a wonderfully hap–
py state- as long as Lucifer was
loyal in the conduct of God's gov–
What Causad the Angels' Sin?
What caused the angels on earth to
sin, to turn to lawlessness? Certain–
ly tbe ordínary angels did not per–
suade this great super being to turn