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carne after noting those living con–
trary to God seemed to prosper and
get ahead. They scoffed at the idea
that God even took note of their
self-centered, wrong conduct.
Their money, they thought, could
huy them anything.
Said Asaph: "But as for me, my
feet were almost gane; my steps
had well nigh slipped. For 1 was
envious at the foolish, when
the prosperity of the wicked" (Ps.
lt was difficult for him.
thought to know this
[understand it]," he said, "it was
too painful forme" (verse
But when Asaph considered the
end of it all , he knew better than to
be envious of wrongdoers: "Until
went into the sanctuary of God; then
their end' ' (verse
Once Asaph got bis mind back
on God's revealed truth, he recalled
that we humans eventually
responsib/e to God
for .what we do
in this life-and we will be eternal–
ly rewarded accordingly. "Be not
deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever aman soweth, that shall
he also reap. For he that soweth
to ... the Spirit shall of the Spirit
reap life everlasting" (Gal.
God has allowed even those who
serve him to suffer the world's
hatred and persecution since the
very first murder of Abe! by his
brother Caín . " ... and others were
tortured, not accepting deliverance;
that they might obtain a better res–
urrection: and others had tria! of
cruel mockings and scourgings, yea,
moreover of bonds and imprison–
ment: they were stoned, they were
sawn asunder, were tempted, were
slain with the sword: they wandered
about in sheepskins and goatskins;
being destitute, affiicted, tormented;
(ofwhom the world was not worthy:)
they wandered in deserts, and in
mountains, and in dens and caves of
the earth" (Heb.
11 :35-38).
Jesus Christ himself suffered. But
befare he did he overcame Satan and
qualified to replace Satan. But Jesus
will not reirtove Satan until humans
have experienced their near 6,000
years of going their own way under
Satan's sway.
No wonder, then, that Satan
deceived the leaders of Jesus' day,
especially the self-righteous reli–
gious leaders, to plot more than once
to kili Jesus. Jesus was accused and
maligned, slapped in the face, beat–
en unmercifully, cruelly crucified
and speared to death.
And so God makes it plain even
to tbose wbo choose right, not to
think it strange when difficult trials
strike, causing suffering: "Beloved, ·
think it not strange concerning the
fiery tria! which is to try you, as
though sorne strange thing hap–
pened unto you: but rejoice, inas–
much as ye are partakers of
Christ's sufferings; that, when bis
glory shall be revealed, ye may be
glad also with exceeding joy"
But he adds this warning to
make sure that any suffering isn't
from breaking his law: "But let
none of you suffer as a murderer, ·
or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as
a busybody in other men's matters.
Yet if any man suffer as a Chris–
tian ... let him glorify God on this
behalr' (verses
Why does God Jet the righteous
suffer? Because it gives absolute
proof where their true loyalty is.
allows those so tested to build godly
character that will last for all eter–
nity-character that continues on
into eterna] life when Christ
returns to restare the government
of God on earth and to reward indi–
viduals who serve him.
"And, behold," says Jesus,
come quickly; and my reward is with
me, to give every man according as
bis work shall be.... Blessed are
they that do bis commandments,
that they may have right to the tree
of life ..." (Rev.
22:12, 14).
And, as Paul clearly explains,
any suffering in this life by those
choosing to obey God cannot com–
pare with the tremendous reward to
come later: "For
[consider] that
the sufferings of this present time
are not worthy to be compared with
the glory which shall be revealed in
us" (Rom.
God ls Fair and Just
Where is God when little children
suffer and die? God assumes the
responsibility. He has been re–
straining himself these near 6,000
years, allowing this world to com–
plete its lesson. But he is soon to
intervene in human affairs by send–
ing Jesus the Messiah the second
time to put an end to suffering and
ignorance by deposing Satan and
restoring the government of God.
The fairness of God 's way is in
the fact that all who have ever lived
or ever will live, will yet have an
opportunity to choose rigbt and
have "right to the tree of life."
Kevin's parents can take heart.
All of you who have lost a loved one
can take heart. Eleven-year-old
Kevin will live again by a resur–
rection to physical life in a st rong
healthy body! All who have ever
lived and died in ignorance of
God's way of life, or who ever will
live, will be given their opportunity
under the reign of the government
of God, and by a resurrection, to
live a healthy, right way of life.
Wrongs will be corrected. Sorrow,
as in the case of little Laura Ann,
will be turned to joy.
God is righteous! God is just! He
is merciful! These thousands of
millions of people, including
year-old Kevin and other children
who did not fully understand God
and did not have the chance to
God's way of life, will have
their opportunity in a resurrection
to physical life described by John
in Revelation
20: 12:
the dead, small and great, stand
befare God; and tbe books were
opened [books of the Bible
ing the right way to live]: and
another book was opened, which is
the book of life: and the dead were
judged out of those things which
were written in the books, accord–
ing to their works. "
How fair! They will live again!
They will be taught Bible truth on
how to live, and then be given a
chance to live God's way.
And after that God the Father
himself willlive with all those choos–
ing bis way of life. Then there will be
no more heartache and human
miseries: "And
heard a loud voice
from heaven saying, 'Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and
He will dwell with them, and they
shall be His people, and God Him–
self will be with them and be their
God. And God will wipe away every
tear from their eyes; there shall be
no more death, nor sorrow, nor cry–
ing; and there shall be no more pain,
for the former things have passed
away'" (Rev.
Authorized Version).
What comforting words for all of