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of Europe"- a un ion of 1O nations
to rise up out of or following the
Common Market of today (Rev.
17). Britain will
be in that
empire soon to come.
This united Europe will conquer
Israel- if you know who Israel is
today, and 1 do
mean Judah,
known as the Israelis today. All
that involves a number of other
prophecies, which there is not room
here to explain. {This is explained
in our free book
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.)
But this "king of Babylon" shall
at the time of this prophecy have
been utterly defeated by the inter–
vention of the living Christ in his
power and glory. Continue on:
"The whole earth is at rest, and
is quiet: they break forth into sing–
ing. Yea, the fir trees re–
joice ... and the cedars of Leba–
non, saying, Since thou art laid
clown, no feller is come up against
us" (verses 7-8).
want to interpose an interest–
ing bit of information right here.
The cedars of Lebanon, biblically
famous, are almost totally cut
clown. Only one smaJI clump of
these trees remains, high in the
have seen and photo–
graphed them. However, perhaps
the finest specimen of the cedars of
Lebanon surviving on earth is on
what was previously our Ambassa–
dor College campus in England.
We prized it highly.
is interest–
ing to see that this prophecy, writ–
ten sorne 500 years
record the fact that these beautiful
and stately trees would become so
largely felled.)
This passage in lsaiah 14 speaks
of the doom of this coming human
king at the hands of the g lorified,
all-powerful Christ.
refers to him
as Satan's chief political ruler and
military destroyer, to be totally
deceived by Satan in the years very
shortly ahead of us.
Satan' s Ea rthly Throne
Then, coming to verse 12, this
human earthly type of Satan the
devil suddenly transposes to Satan
himself- the former a rchangel ,
"How art thou fallen from heav–
en, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut clown to the
ground, which didst weaken the
nations!" A better translation here
is: "How art thou, who didst weak–
en the nations, cut clown to the
ground." In the Revised Standard
Version: " How you are cut clown to
the ground, you who laid the
nations low!" This the former Luci–
fer did through the human politi–
cal-military leader in his power–
spoken of in the first 11 verses.
The name Lucifer means "Shin–
ing star of the dawn," or " Bringer
of light," as God first created him.
Now continue: "For thou hast said
in thine heart, 1 will ascend into
will exalt my throne
above the stars [angels] of God."
Notice, Lucifer had a throne; he
was a ruler. His throne was on
earth, for he was going to ascend
into heaven. Continue:
" f
will sit
also upon the mount of the congre–
gation [God's heavenly throne], in
the sides of the north: 1 will ascend
above the heights of the clouds;
will be like tbe most High" (verses
13-14). Actually, it is plain that
Lucifer had nothing less in mind
than knocking tbe Creator God off
his tbrone and becoming supreme
God himself.
Apparently be planned to put
himself in place of God, over the
But finally, as the context
returns again to the human type:
"Yet thou shal t be brought clown to
hell [Heb.
to the sides of
the pit" (verse 15).
From that point, the thought
returns to the human king. Lucifer
was the supreme masterpiece of
God's creative power, as an individ–
ually created being, threatening, as
a Frankenstein monster, to destroy
his own Maker- and assume all his
powers to rule the whole universe.
Literally this prophecy is speak–
ing of a war in heaven to occur in
our present time described in Reve–
lation 12:7-9: "And there was war
in heaven: Michael and his angels
fought against the dragon; and the
dragon fought and bis angels, and
prevailed not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil,
and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into
the earth, and his angels were cast
out with him." And also Daniel
12:1-2: "And at that time shall
Mic hael stand up, the great prince
which standeth for the children of
thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was
since there was a nation even to
that same time: and at that time
thy people shall be delivered, every
one that shall be found written in
the book. And many of them that
sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, sorne to everlasting life, and
sorne to shame and everlasting con–
Satan's rebel rule was
a gov–
ernment b.ased upon the principie
of love-of giving, of outgoing con–
cero for the good of others, but
based On
vanity, lust and greed, on envy,
jealousy, the spirit of competition,
hatred, violence and destruction, on
darkness and error, instead of light
and truth, on ugliness instead of
Notice here, once again, the
principie of duality. The above
scripture applies to a time prior to
the creation of the first human,
Adam. But in Revelation 12:7 and
in Daniel 12: l, Satan once again at
the end of the 6,000 years allotted
to his rule on earth's throne, tries
once again to seize God's throne in
Lucifer a Created Being
Look now at the other biblical pas–
sage describing this supreme angel–
ic creation of God, in Ezekiel 28.
Actually, the entire concept in
Ezekiel 26 · speaks of the ancient
great commercial city of Tyre.
was the commercial metropolis of
the ancient world, even as Babylon
was the political capital. Tyre was
the New York, the London, the
Tokyo, or the París of the ancient
world. The ancient Tyre, port of
the world's shippers and mer–
chants, gloried
in her beau–
ty, even as París in our time.
Chapter 27 carries on with com–
parisons to passages in the 18th
chapter of the book of Revelation
referring to a politico-religious
leader to come (verses 9-1 9).
But coming to chapter 28, the
theme comes more completely to
the time just now ahead of us, the
same time depicted in Isaiah 14.
Ezekiel 28 speaks of the prince of
Tyre, an earthly ruler, of whom the
(Continued on page 35)