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of the earth, after it had become
waste and empty as a result of the
sin of the angels.
What is described from verse 2
on, in the supposed creation chap–
ter of the Bible, did occur, accord–
ing to the Bible, approximately
6,000 years ago. But that could
have been millions or trillions of
years after the actual creation of
the earth described in verse 1!
will comment later on the
length of time it might have taken
before all earth's angels turned to
rebell ion.
The earth
waste and
empty. God did not create it waste
and empty, or in a state of decay.
God is not the author of confusion
( 1
Cor. 14:33). T his same Hebrew
word- tohu- meaning
waste and
empty, was inspired in Isaiah
45:18, where it is translated "in
vain." Using the original Hebrew
word, as originally inspired, it
reads: "For thus saith the Lord that
created the heavens; God himself
that formed the earth and made it;
he hath established it, he created it
not in vain
he formed it to
be inhabi ted ."
Continue now with the remain–
der of verse 2 of Genesis 1 (the
earth had become chaotic, waste
and empty): "And darkness was
upon the face of the deep [the
ocean or fluid surface of the earth].
And the Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters. And God
said, Let there be light: and there
was light. And God saw the Jight,
that it was good: and God divided
the light from the darkness"
(verses 2-4).
Satan is the author of darkness.
The rebellion of the angels had
caused the darkness. God is the
author of light and truth. Light dis–
plays and enhances beauty, and also
exposes evil. Darkness hides both.
The verses that follow in this
first chapter of the Bible describe
the renewing of the face of the
earth, yielding beautiful lawns,
trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetation–
then the creation of fish and fowl,
animal life, and finally man.
The Great Lucifer
But first, before coming toman, we
need to fill in the prehistory por–
How did this sin of the angels
November/ December 1985
come to take place? How did it
Remember, God the Creator
improves and enhances
what he creates by his government.
What he creates is created to be
used. This earth was to be inhab–
ited and used by angels, origi–
When God placed angels–
apparently a third of all (Rev.
12:4)-on the newly created, per–
fect, beautiful and glorious earth,
he set over them, on a throne, to
administer the government of God,
an archangel- the great cherub
Lucifer. There were only two other
beings of this extremely high rank
of cherub, Michael and Gabriel.
So far as is revealed, these are
the supreme pinnacle of spirit-com–
posed beings within God's power to
create. This Lucifer was a super
being of awesome, majestic beauty,
dazzli ng brightness, sup reme
knowledge, wisdom and power–
perfect as God created him! (Ezek.
28: 15). But remember, there is one
thing God cannot create automati–
cally and instantly by fiat, and that
is perfect righteous character. So
God of necessity created in him the
power of choice and decision, or he
could not have been a being of indi–
viduality and character.
cannot be automatically created by
fíat. The angels themselves, of
necessity, were required to have
their part in the development of
character, and their creation could
not be actually finished until this
character had been perfected.
Lucifer, Later Satan
want you to grasp fully the
s upreme magnificence of this
zenith of God's created beings.
Two different biblical passages tell
us of his original created state.
First, notice what is revealed in
Jsaiah 14. (This famous chapter
begins with the time, shortly ahead
of us now, when the Eterna! God
shall have intervened in this world's
affairs. The people of Israel- not
necessar ily or exclusively the
lsraelis or Judah- shall have been
taken as captive slaves, and God
shall intervene and bring them
back to the original promised
homeland.) "And it shall come to
pass in the day that the Lord shall
give thee rest from thy sorrow, and
from thy fear, and from the hard
bondage wherein thou wast made
to serve, that thou shalt take up this
proverb against the king of Baby–
Ion, and say, How hath the oppres–
sor ceased! the golden city ceased!
he invisible spirit
At this juncture a truth
must be explained almost
never understood. God
creates in a principie of
have compared
it to a woman baking a
cake. When she takes the
cake out of the oven, it is
not yet a finished produc–
tion until she puts the
the cake. When
God created the earth and
world is very real but
is invisible it has
been a mystery.
other planets this system of duality
was involved.
What had been created was per–
fect as far as it existed up to that
point. But it was not yet a finished
or completed creation. God in–
tended the angels to add their own
workmanship to the earth's surface.
He intended them to work over the
surface of the earth, to improve it,
to embellish it, beautify it-in
other words "put the icing on the
The same principie of duality
applies to the creation of the
angels. Perfect righteous character
The Lord hath broken the staff of
the wicked, and the sceptre of the
rulers. He who smote the people in
wrath ... he that ruled the nations
in anger, is persecuted, and none
hindereth" (verses 3-6).
This is
speaking of the king
of ancient Babylon, Nebuchadnez–
zar. The time is yet ahead of us–
but shortly ahead.
is speaking of
the modero successor of that
ancient Nebuchadnezzar. It is
speaking of the one who will be
of the soon-coming resur–
rected " Holy Roman Empire"-a
sort of soon-coming "United States