Israel (Dan. 12:1; 10:2- 13, 21) and
to the true Church of God today
The Supreme Creativa
God assigns angels responsibilities,
but God c r eated within them
But there was one super-impor–
tant quality that even God's cre–
ative powers could not c r eate
instantly by fi at- the same perfect,
holy, righteous CHARACTER inher–
ent in both God and the Word!
This kind of character must be
DEVELOPED, by the CHOICE and the
INTENT of the one in whom it
comes to exist.
So mark well thi s super-vital
truism-that pe rfect , hol y and
is the supreme
feat of accompl ishment possible for
Almighty God the C reator- it is
also the means to his ultimate
supreme PURPOSE! His final objec–
But HOW?
I repeat, such perfect character
perfect way- to yield to be
by God- to determine cven
against temptation or self-desire, to
and to
the right. And even
then such holy character is the gift
of God. It comes by yielding to
God to instill HIS LA
(God's right
way of life) within the entity wbo
so decides and wills.
Actually, this perfect character
comes only from God, as instilled
within the enti ty of bis creation,
upon voluntary acquiescence, even
after severe tria! and test.
1 have devoted a few paragraphs
to this point beca use it is the
supreme pinnacle means in God's
overall PURPOSE!
Now as to the prehistoric angels:
God 1) created them with minds
capable of thinking, reaso ning,
making choices and decisions with
self-will; and 2) revealed plainly to
But God of necessity aJlowed
them free moral agency in accept–
ing God's right way, or turning to
contrary ways of their own devis–
What was G od's ULTIMATE
OBJECTI VE for the angels? Beyond
question it is that which,
now, because of angelic
rebellion, has become the
transcendent potential of
ngels are actual
personal spirit beings, each
having a mind of greater
capacity and ability
As the testing ground,
and opportunity for posi–
tive and active creat ive
accomplishment, God
created- brought into ex-
istence-tbe entire vast
than human minds, capable
of attitudes, purposes
material universe.
First of all , God had
created angels. After that,
and for angels a nd for
humans who were to be
created later , God formed
and intentions.
must be
requires the
free choice and decision of the sep–
arate enti ty in whom it is to be
created. But, further, even then it
must be instilled by and from the
Holy God who, only, has such righ–
teous character to endow.
But what do we mean by righ–
teous character?
Perfect, holy and righteous char–
acter is the ability in such separate
entity to come to discern the true
and right way from the false, to
make voluntarily a full and uncon–
ditional surrender to God and his
November/ December 1985
and brought into existence the
earth and the entire universe.
God now created not only mal–
ter, but with and in it energy and
such laws as man has d iscovered in
the fields of physics and chemistry.
God formed mat ter to be present in
both the organic and the inorganic
And so we come now to that
which is revealed in Genesis 1: 1:
" In the beginning [of the physical
universe] God created the heavens
and the earth." These are material
and physical.
As previously stated, in the
Authorized Version will be found
the word
in the singular.
But this originaJly was written by
Moses in Hebrew. And in the
Hebrew the word is in the plural–
including not only
our ear th, but the entire mater ial
I t is therefore indicated that
rhat time- after
the creation of
angels-the ent ire universe was
brought into existence at the same
time as the creation of our earth. J
find s trong indication of this in
other biblical interna! evidence, and
also it is definitely stated in Gene–
sis 2:4.
The Perfect Creation
The original Hebrew words (the
words written by Moses) imply a
perfect creation. God reveals him–
self as Creator of perfection, light
and beauty. Every reference in the
Bible describes the condition of any
completed phase of God's creation
as "very good"- perfect.
This first verse of the Bible
act ua ll y speaks of the original
PHYSICAL creation in its entirety–
the earth,
perhaps mill ions of years ago-as a
perfect creation, beautiful and per–
fect as far as its creation was a fi n–
ished, completed work. God is a
In Job 38:4, 7, God is speaking
specifically o f the creation of this
eart h. He said all the angels
(created "sons of God") shouted
for joy at the creation of the earth.
This r eveals that ange ls were
before the creation of the
earth- and
probably before the
universe. The suns, plan–
ets and as tral bodies are material
substance. Angels are individually
created spirit bei ngs, composed
solely of spiri t.
As mentioned earlier, it wi ll
come as a surprise to many to learn
that angels inhabited this earth
BEFORE the creation of roan. This
passage from Job impües it .
Ange ls on Earth Sinned
Other passages place angels on
earth prior to man.
Notice II Peter 2:4-6. First in
time order, "angels that sinned."
Next in time sequence, the antedi-
1uvian wor1d beginning with Adam,