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supreme all powerful Spirit Being.
We saw that God lives. He acts!
What does he do? He is the creat–
ing family. Perhaps few realize, the
very first thing God created was
not the earth, suns, other planets–
the universe. Before all these he
created the angelic beings-a spi rit
world o f myriads of a ng e l ic
The Great God t hrough the
Word first designed and created
these SPI RIT BEINGS-angels, each
ind ividually created- millions or
perhaps even billions of them!
Angels are actual personal spi rit
beings, each having a mind of
greater capacity and abili ty than
human minds, capable of attitudes,
purposes and intentions.
is stated
that even Jesus as a human was
made "a little lower than the
angels" (Heb. 2:7). They are com–
posed wholly of spirit. They were
given self-contain ing life- life in–
herent- immor tality. They have no
blood circulating in veins and do
not need the breath of air to sustain
life, but have self-containing life
inherent within them.
Angels are, because created by
God, called sons of God (Job 1:6),
but they were not begotten and
born sons of God .
Why t he Creation o f Angel s?
Why were invisible spirit-com–
posed angels created before all
e lse? Why were they created even
prior to the creation of physical
matter and the physical universe?
Why were they created at all ?
J esus Christ said,
" J
work and
my Father works" (see John 5: 17).
In John 1:1-5 it is revealed that
God and the Word (the God fami-
1y) live. In the preceding chapter
we noted how they lived - in
mutual !ove, total agreement and
perfect harmony. But if they lived,
what did they do? They created.
One might say that by profession
they were in the creating business.
To aid them in the work of creat–
ing, governing and managing what
was to be created, they first of all
created other spirit beings on a low–
er plane than the God family.
Angels were created to be minis–
ters, agents, helpers in God's cre–
at ion. They were created as ser–
vants of the living God.
From eterni ty God was supreme,
which to our human minds means
God sat on the throne of all tbat
existed or was to exist. In the 25th
cbapter of Exodus, we find an
earthly description of the very
throne of God in heaven, in tbe
description of the ark built by
Moses under God's instruction. On
either side of God's throne was a
super archangel, a cherub, whose
wings stretched out covering tbe
very throne of God. This signifies
that tbese superior angels were
involved in tbe very administration
of the government of God over all
of God's creation. They were aides,
ministers, servants, assisting God.
We read about angels in the first
chapter of Hebrews. This cbapter
first speaks of J es us. " He ,
... stamped with God 's own char–
acter, sustains the universe with bis
word of power ... and thus he is
superior to the angels, as he has
. inherited a Name s u perio r to
theirs. For to what angel did God
ever say, 'Tbou art my son, to-day
become thy father'? Or
will be a father to him, and
he shall be a son to me'? And fur–
ther, when introducing the First–
born into the world, he says, 'Let
all God 's angels worship him.'
While he says of angels, 'Who
turns his angels into winds [spir–
its]. his servants into flames of
fire,' he says of the Son, 'God is thy
throne for ever and ever, thy royal
sceptre is the sceptre of equity:
thou hast loved just ice and hated
law lessness, therefore God, thy
God, has consecrated thee with the
oil of rejoicing beyond thy com–
rades'-and , 'Thou didst found the
earth at the beginning... .'
"To what angel did he ever say,
'Sit at my right hand, till
your enemies a foot-stool for your
feet'? Are not all angels merely
spi ri ts in the divine service, com–
missioned for the benefit of those
who are to inherit salvation.?"
(verses 3-10, 13-14, Moffatt trans–
lation) .
Humans are created a little low–
er than angels, though we have the
awesome potential of becoming far
greater. This fact is expressed in
the second chapter of Hebrews.
will come as news to most
readers that angels were created
before the earth and the physica l
universe were brought into exis-
tence. Job 38: 1-7 shows the angels
shouted for joy when God first
created the earth.
is stated in
both Genesis 1 and 2 that tbe ear th
was created at the same time as the
entire physical universe.
Angels are invisible, immortal
spirit beings with power and knowl–
edge superior to humans (IJ Pet.
2: 11). They have seen all the activ–
ities of mankind on the earth and
therefo re know more about the
human mind, psychology, sociol–
ogy, science and all the ar ts than
any living man.
God 's Invisible Agents
God has had angels specifica lly
assigned to supervise and protect
his Ch urch throughout all of its
history (Rev. 1:4, 16, 20; 2:1, 8, 12,
18; 3:1, 7, 14). He has angels who
continually walk through the earth
to observe and report back to him
the overa ll conditions on ear th
(Rev. 5:6; Zech. 4:10; 11 Chron.
And God has angels specifically
assigned to look after his begotten
human children (Acts 12: 15; Matt.
18:10). God promises: " For he
shall give his angels tharge over
thee, to keep thee in al! thy ways"
(Ps. 9 1: 11).
Twelve of God's angels will be
the gatekeepers in the new city of
J erusalem ( Rev. 21: 12), one for
each tribe of Israel. These 12 may
be assist ing the archangel
Angels a re messengers. They
appeared to Abraham, Lot, Hagar,
Moses, Manoah, Gideon, Elijah
and many of the prophets and apos–
Wh e n these angels manifest
themselves to human beings, they
generally do so in the form of
The Bible mentions three angels
of high rank: Lucifer ( Isa. 14: 12),
now Satan the devil; Gabriel, who
appear.ed to Daniel on two occa–
sions (Dan. 8:16; 9:21), to Zacha–
rias, the father of John the Baptist
(Luke 1:19), and later Mary, the
mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26); and
third, Michael, called one of the
chief princes
(Dan. 10:13) , and
whom Jude identifies asan
(Jude 9). Michael is the arch–
a ngel specifically assigned to pro–
tect and minister to the 12 t ribes of