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or church you are, what you
call you rselves.
A. Nordbo
Porsgrunn, Norway
Why not request
Where Is
the True Church?
Teen Problems
am 16 years old and for
the past seven months
been locked up in Kilburn
Hall, a lock-up unit for young
otfenders. I have been getting
into a lot of trouble with the
law for the past few years
felt unloved.
out of Kilburn now, but
still attending court for a few
other charges.
1 am finally starting to
straighten out my life because
1 know now t bat God cares
about everyone including me.
Your magazine helped me see
the light. I am forever
Lisa C.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
1 am an 18 year old girl
who lives in Canada. 1 read
your magazine on a regular
basis and 1 find it to be quite
intr iguing. Your articles have
helped me to overcome certain
personal problems.
Silvana Ma rsico
Tbunder Bay, Ontario
The Board of Directors of
the Winnipeg League for Life
would like to commend you on
the in-depth article on
abortion in the May 1985
issue. The more often facts
about abortion are brought to
public attention the more we
increase awareness for this
most crucial issue. Public
education is most certainl y our
strongest weapon, and you
have used it most etfectively.
Louise Scatliff
Winnipeg, Manitoba
A Magazine for All Ages
1 would like to commend
your efforts in wr iting a
magazine so well that it is as
interesting to me (a 20 year
old) as it is to my
grandmother (a 77 year old).
Barb Csemez
St. Catbarines, Ontario
Much to Learn
As a nondenominational
pastor, it makes me very
October 1985
happy to see people doing the
job of getting the message to
the world in such an
interesting and effective way!
1 picked up a copy of
Plain Truth
and was amazed
at the accuracy and clarity of
the articles. Keep up the good
work and may God truly bless
your endeavors.
have yet much to
learn so that
more effectively. To this end,
would you kindly enroll me in
your Correspondence Course?
B.R. Stenbouse
Cawston, British Columbia
As the Recreation Director
at the Nova Scotia
Rehabilitation Centre, 1 would
like to express my thanks to
your organization for
forwarding copies of the
magazine entitled
The Plain
Reading such
consistent and current
information, which your
magazines provide, is very
much appreciated by all those
who read the literature. We
look forward to receiving it
again in the future.
Bev Hickman
Halifax, Nova Scotia
l 'm very pleased to be
sending you God's tithes and
really is a blessing
and a great honor to be able
to do so much for God's
end-time work.
1 just received a 10%
increase in my hourly wage
plus extra dental and medica!
coverage. My wife was asked
to fill in for part-time work at
the office (three months ago).
will end at the school
summer break. All this has
made quite a change in our
budget for the better. We also
found a very nice quality place
to rent in a very convenient
location. We are saving
$164.00 per month in housing
and heating costs. When God
says He will bless, He does it
in a big way.
Tbe biggest blessings are
spiritual in nature. We are so
much happier and find
ourselves totally involved in all
aspects of God's work.
Thought you would like to
know and share our happiness.
Gerard Ferron
Victoria, Britisb Columbia
Tape for Bllnd
Thank you for sending me
this tape on "Human Nature."
It is a topic we take so much
for granted that we hardly
really think about it. It is
indeed good to read that one's
own thoughts are generally in
keeping with tbose of your
bave listened to the tape
severa! timeS' and have come
time and again to say, "Yes,
that's rigbt; yes,
feel this is
so too." I can still sit back and
orally admire the writing for it
is a most difficult topic to
logically set out step by step.
Pa uJ Gibbes
Vancouver, British Columbia
Srl Lanka
My letter is in reference to
your story on Sri Lanka, in
the July/ August issue. Your
story has portrayed a very
misleading image of Sri
is very evident that
you r team who visited Sri
Lanka did not look beyond the
fertile farmlands, lush forests
and cool green mountains. It
is certainly true that the Sri
Lankan government has
launched series of successful
programs to uplift its people.
your team does not seem
to have realised that these
programs of upliftment were
centered only around the
western and soutbern parts of
the country....
Why hasn't J affna the
capital of tbe North, been
mentioned in your story? Why
have you proclaimed the
Tamil people to look like a
bunch of terrorists? Well next
time your team wishes to do a
story on Sri Lanka, 1 suggest
they visit Jatfna. Nallur,
Chunakam, Vaddukoddai,
Point Pedro, Valvatuthurai,
and other places in the
Northern Province, where you
will hear the críes of anguish,
pools of blood, bullet ridden
walls, burnt bouses, and
corpses lying along the
roadside. Perhaps these sights
may incite you not to portray
a tarnished image of the Tamil
Why not portray the plain
truth instead portraying Sri
Lanka to be an island of
so-called paradise?
Ronny Caponas
Sydney, Austra.lia
The writer has a point: why
do we focus on the positive
aspect of Sri Lanka? Because
this world's press has told the
story of Ja.ffna, there is no
need for our magazine to tell
the plain truth about the
horror, injustice, su.ffering
and carnage that results when
yet another group of
frustrated thugs take matters
into their own hands in the
name of a whole people.
There is another side. We
showed what could be
achieved by this able and
talented nation.
only they
could al/ control their
is the real
story coming out of Sri
Lanka, the agony and
frustration of "A World Held
The writer asks: "Why
didn't we go to Ja.ffna?" He
implies thar the REAL story
is there. Not so. the real story
is in the Vil/age Reawakening
scheme. lt shows that the Sri
to be at peace.
To document that is not
superficial. Covering today's
carnage in this nation would
be redundant. The
world- and Sri Lanka- need
news of
Since that hope
is real-our magazine must
rejfect it,
matter what
world and its current
viewpoint think of us.
Corrections: Photo credit on
page 26 of the September issue
should read, "Nicklesberg–
Woodfin Camp."
In the September issue, the
following lines were missing
from beginning of page 19:
"teaching further. 1 saw wbere
tbe inspired Peter, on the day
he received tbe Holy Spirit,
said , 'For David is not ascended
into the heavens .. .' (Act s
In this in-depth study of the
Bible, 1 had the use of all the
biblical helps--<A>ncordances,
Greek-Englisb and Hebrew–
Englisb Iexicons, commentar–
ies, Bible dictionaries and reli–
gious encyclopedias. The latter
t hree of these, l found, were the
works of scholarly but carnal
minds. In historical facts and
matters of a material and pbysi–
cal nature, they give belp in
research, but in God's revela–
tion of spiritual ..."