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Free Knowledge
fact of the shortage of really
Having a Turkish and
He gave me the ability to
From being given an issue
informative magazines was
Muslim ethnic background
understand the English
by a sister and after reading
made especially so
The Plain
and also being a part of the
Janguage. From now on 1 am
the contents therein, 1 became
could stand out in
American nation, 1 have
going to watch each and every
a subscriber of your magazine
shining armour against them.
always wanted the people in
programme of
The World
and have received them ever
would like to thank
the world to know the truth
thank your
you for the Correspondence
about Turkey and the Turkish
1 would like to support your
organisation for the good work Course and the many booklets
people. There have been
work financially; it'll be no big
it does for the world in simply
1 have received. 1 can
severa) articles and films
support as f'm a student.
giving 'the plain truth.' 1 am
remember reading the Bible
released about Turkey, but
can 1 do that?
extremely impressed by the
without these essential aids
yours is the first that speaks
Joerg Halstein
high quality standard of your
aod all the words seemed far
the " real " truth.
books and to note that they
off and unreal. Now when 1
l would like to congratulate
W. Germany
are also free of charge. In
study God's Word, the
you and also thank you for
addition to that, the evidence
messages come through with
writing your article in such an
See inside front cover.
you give for the bíblica)
near brilliant force. Now the
honest way.
is definitely a
quotes and factual statistics
truths contained in the Bible
tribute to Turkish people. 1
Reade r/ Subscriber
make it such a wonderfully
are completely real to me.
have obtained copies to share
knowledgeable and inspiring
Now I
my future. Now
with sorne friends in Turkey.
While on the Tube in
the future of mankind.
Baran Gokce Central London 1 picked up a
Paul Patrick Gone are the days of mere
Buffalo, New York copy of your magazine
Now 1 have come to
Ne w Readers
Plain Truth.
Obviously I was
fascinated. 1 didn't think such
Many thanks for sending
Darryl Hartley-Goodall
Picase could you send me a
a magazine existed. After
The Plain Truth
so regularly
Sussex copy of the
United States and
reading the magazine from
and gratis each month. 1 want
Teenage Reade r at Sc hool
Britain in Prophecy,
for after
start to finish it helped me out
to express my appreciation for
reading your magazine 1
of my depression and
these great magazines.
I am 14 years of age and at
thought you would like to hear loneliness, like millions of
your magazine with interest,
school. 1 read
The Plain
tbe effect it bad on me.
others, 1 am sure. 1 would be
and it is more tban interest
every month, and have
You've brought me bope at
very grateful if you would
wbicb keeps me glued to tbe
found it to be of great help to
Jast, and given me a reason to
enlist me on your mailing list.
pages. They have helped me in
me in class discussions and
live, for 1 oow realise the
Do world leaders read these
understanding like no other
debates. 1 would like to thank
meaning of life. And may I
magazine has. Your articles
you for producing such an
say how amazed 1 was at the
Kevin Hogan
have helped me understand
efficient, interesting and
way people reacted to me
Dublin, Ireland
arcas of religion that really
truthful magazine. 1 would
when they saw what [ was
confused me. The articles deal
like to have many of the
• Indeed they are aware of
wi th a great many issues,
[publications] offered in your
A.J. Moody The Plain Truth.
especially how to live to God's
magazines. 1 am sending along
For Teen Eyes Only
law. I hope it helps others who the card which entitles me to
Request sent.
find themselves in a similar
another year of
The Plain
1 would desperately like a
which 1 will thoroughly
I like your magazine for
copy of
magazine. Your
S. Moustache enjoy reading.
two reasons. First, 1 can
article "For Teen Eyes Only"
Ravinder Bairwal improve my English by
made me realise how
London reading your articles carefully,
importan! school is, if 1 want
After reading sorne of the
and second, and most
a good and successful life. 1
comments in your "letters"
importan!, you are giving plain don't have an ambition at the
section, 1 too feel impelled to
1 read the article about
advice that 1 need so much.
moment and your magazine
tell yvu how 1 feel about your
Turkey in the April '85 issue
For that reason 1 would like to may find me a real purpose.
and l am writing to show my
read more about God, and
Elisabeth Burrows
There is no other magazine
appreciation and to explain to
what He is saying about me.
Girton, Cambridge
of which 1 have ever heard,
you the enjoyment 1 got from
A few days ago 1 watched a
Norwegian Edition
which is free, that is so
reading your article.
popular music programme on
valuable. There are many
1 have been receiving your
RTL-TV (Luxembourg) when
Since l have discovered
people who would not be able
magazine for almost two years
it suddenly was interrupted.
your magazine
Den Enkle
to pay for a subscription to
now and 1 have always
To my surprise Mr. Herbert
The Plain Truth,
yet who
believed that everything that is
W. Armstrong appeared on
1 would Iike to know a
long for a deeper kirid of
written in it is the truth; just
never forget tbis
little about what you stand
seems that the
as the title says.
moment, and thank God that
for, what sort of congregation