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more Roman Catholic today
than Westero Eurape. Religious
liberalism has been spreading
throughout Western Europe.
But the religious persecution of
the Soviets under the teaching
that "religion is the opium of the
people" has served to cause
many Eastern Europeans to be
more loyally Roman Catholic
than befare.
The present Pope is vigorously
encouraging reunion under Ro–
man Catholic domination. The
Catholic world calls the Pope
"vicar of Christ," which literally
means "in place of Christ." They
also call him "the Holy
Recalling the prophetic words
of Bishop Hunt, 40 years ago,
"Except the Lord build the
house, they labour in vain that
build it," Europeans will consid–
er that a new united Europe
headed by the Pope and Catholic
Church, is, indeed, a house built
by the Lord.
The European Parliament
meets in Brussels, in Strasbourg,
France, and in Luxembourg,
with . a staff working vigorously
for a reunited Europe, and work–
ing out a constitution for this
coming third super world power.
At the European Community's
headq uarters in Brussels, Bel–
gium, a very large staff are
working for a single united
European currency, one united
military force and one economic
Do not discount the possibility
that this resurrection of the
medieval Holy Roman Empire
may start by sorne arrangement
to reunite East and West Ger–
many first. Befare World War
II, a mutual accord had been
made between Germany and
Russia. History often repeats
The prophecies of Revelation
13 and 17 and Daniel 2 and 7
show definitely that such a re–
united Europe is coming-AND
SOON! That of Daniel 2:33 shows
half of this united Europe will
consist o f Eastern European
nations, and half of Western.
They comprise the toes and feet
of Nebuchad nezzar's great
dream image, to be destroyed by
Christ's coming again to earth in
supreme supernatural power and
glory to rule all nations and bring
us world peace!
This reunification of Europe is in
the sure word of prophecy. But the
union will not cleave together, even
as the iron and clay of Daniel 2:33
could not cleave together. But
when it does come into fulfillment,
very soon now,
will quickly be
replaced by a REAL world peace
that shall last for the next thousand
years. And that will be for the hap–
piness and good of all nations, the
Russians, al! other Europeans, the
Americas and all Africans and
Europeans are saying that 40
years is long enough to be divided.
This 40th anniversary of the
founding of the United Nations
may trigger events to bring on the
world's last colossal world violence
and trouble, and usher in at last,
after 6,000 years of human tria!
and error and woes and sufferings,
truly to be built by the LoRo
Eterna!. o
literature offer!