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(Continued 4)
In the December 1948 issue of
The Plain Truth,
Mr. Armstrong
divulged sorne notes he had taken
on April 29, 1945, four days into
the San Francisco Conference:
" 1 have just returned from a sig–
nificant special meeting. . . . This
historie San Francisco Conference
is the world's effort to prevent
[World War
and bring in
World Peace. 'The world's
chance,' says Anthony Eden of this
have talked with world
statesmen. Here
have been
power politics in action. Here
witnessed something of the subtle
yet fateful arts, skill, and strategy
called statecraft and diplomacy- in
living action as instruments for self–
ish national advantage.
"I n the plenary sessions of the
Conference we hear beauti ful orato–
ry enunciating Iofty aims of aJtruism
and world peace-to be printed in
newspapers throughout the world
for public consumption. But the real
sessions are behind locked doors of
committee council chambers, and
there the savage battle for national
interests rages fiercely.
see the clouds of
World War 111 gathering at this
saw it first as it was
injected indirectly into every press
conference. We learn of it in prí–
vate talks with delegates in hotel
lobbies. The nations can have
peace- if they want it. But they
don't want it. They want gain at the
expense of others."
Those are justa few of Mr. Arm–
strong's firsthand comments.
In an earlier issue of
The Plain
J anuary-February 1945, Mr.
Armstrong wrote of the then soon–
to-be-launched United Nations or–
ganization: Americans, especially,
he said, "look only to an aJtruistic
and rather vague peace which we
trustingly believe will be achieved by
sorne international organization
composed of what we like to term the
peace-loving United Nations....
"Perhaps it is better that we
become disillusioned here and
now! ... The plain truth is that the
United Nations never will be able to
give the world any permanent world
peace! Of course we
peace. But
October 1985
we want it
way- and our way
simply isn't the way to peace!"
By the Year 2025
Severa) delegates this year ex–
pressed the hope that San Francis–
co might be host to another and
more hopeful review conference 40
years from now.
By the year 2025, surmised Can–
ada's Mr. Lewis, "maybe sanity
[will have) intervened and we can
convene a conference on plow–
shares and pruning hooks."
This reference to Isaiah 2:4 and
Micah 4:3 was undoubtedly made
in light manner, but this prophecy
surely will come to pass.
Only when the government of
God is established over warring
nations will it be possible to elimi–
nate, once and for all, international
strife and conflict. Satan the devil,
moreover, will be put away, no lon–
ger allowed to influence the nations
(Rev. 20:2).
God's law will be enforced- the
"rule of law" that world leaders
admit is lacking and the absence of
which is the cause of world
anarchy. The government of God,
admi nistering and enforcing the
law of God, will be that world orga–
nization, to use Dr. Romulo's
words, that is "capable of defining
and enforcing peace in the common
But this will not occur until
mankind achieves a false sense of
unity at the close of this age.
This was inadvertently referred to
by Brian Urquhart, U.N. Under–
secretary-General for special politi–
cal affairs. In a rather reflective
moment, this top U. N. official
"There are moments when
that the only thing that will restare
the unanimity of the Security
Council might be an invasion from
outer space."
The fact is, Jesus Christ will come
back from "outer space"- heaven–
to establish the kingdom of God to
finally bring world peace.
·The nations will be angry. For a
brief moment they will submerge
their differences in order to fight
who they believe to be the common
foe (Rev. 16:14; 19:19).
But God will prevail. And the
peace men
they want will at
last be ushered in. o
(Continued from page 1)
two walk together, except they be
agreed?"- and it seems no two
nations were or are in agreement.
Also, "A house ... divided against
itself ... cannot stand." And the
United Nations is a house fatally
divided against itself, but a sound–
ing board for Soviet propaganda,
ironically financed so largely by the
United States.
Out of the United Nations 40
years ago emerged two major mili–
tary powers, the United States and
the Soviet Union. Between them
was Europe. This "humanity's last
chance" for human survival and
world peace split Europe down the
middle. We have had a divided
Europe now for 40 years.
The term
40 years
has a signifi–
cant biblical connotation. Moses
was 40 years being prepared as a
prince in the palace of Egypt's Pha–
raoh. Then he was 40 years an out–
cast. At age
he led the Israelites
40 years in the wilderness after
their deliverance and prior to the
entry into the promised land . David
and Solomon each reigned for 40
years. Is Europe to be united after
40 years?
Germany has been the leading
most go-ahead nation in Europe.
Under Hitler they were going to
be the "master race," ruling the
world for a thousand years. Hit–
ler's slogan was
Deutschland über
For 40 years now Germany has
been a divided nation. Nazism
promoted nationalism-a patriotic
national pride. For 40 years West
Germany has been suffering from
the accusation of instigating
World War
and the infamous
Holocaust. But East Germans,
though not enjoying prosperity
under Communist rule, neverthe–
less are sti ll. very much GER–
MANS- proud of being Germans,
with the national spirit. They are
still "more German" than the
West Germans.
The Germans on both sides want
to be united once again. There is
now a dynamic movement toward a
united EuROPE-a resurrection of
the medieval Holy Roman Empire.
Europeans know a house divided
cannot stand. Eastern Europe is