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to develop character, God allowed Satan to approach
them with his ways. Quickly, Satan insinuated to
Adam and Eve that God lied and was untrustworthy.
Eve falsely reasoned in her mind and took what
God forbade. Adam weakly dropped his leadership
role and followed her. They both allowed tbemselves
to take from the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. In effect, they would decide for themselves
what was good and evil; they would rely on their
own thinking and reasoning instead of God's. An
attitude of hostility toward God and bis ways was
now in their minds.
God then told them, in effect, that because of
their disobedience they and their progeny could
develop their own cultures, their own ideas of good
and evil, their own systems of living under the sway
of Satan, and experience the results.
God's instructions in Scripture magnify these
laws; they teach us the
of God's
laws, how to !ove our neighbor, and what are right
and wrong attitudes and human relationships.
The attitude undergirding proper relations with
other humans is summarized in Scripture as, "you
shall love your neighbor as yourself' (Lev. 19: 18;
Mark 12:31, RAV) and, "!ove worketh no ill to his
neighbour" (Rom. 13:10).
True Justice Defined
A truly effective justice system does not begin with
lots·of policemen on the streets. True justice can
occur only when all levels of society, young and old,
are taught and accept a right standard of right and
wrong behavior.
An effective justice system starts first with the
family unit that teaches children from the very
beginning of their comprehension their responsibility
to do right. Justice is encouraged through adult
The record of Scripture reveals the first act of
human injustice. Cain slew his brother Abel because
of jealousy and hatred (Gen. 4). Soon the earth
became filled with crime, violence and all kinds of
injustice among human beings-until God had to
destroy mankind except for Noah and his sons and
their wives (Genesis, chapters 6-8).
_ examples of self-discipline and obedience to
law- persons who deal honestly and fairly with all
others in business and social affairs.
Scripture, and written human histories also, record
one competing human culture or system of
government after another. Every system in turn
became corrupt, violent and ridden with injustice.
Mankind has developed systems that fail to cope
properly with human nature-with lying, selfishness,
lust and greed. Men have failed because they have
rejected revealed knowledge from the Creator–
rejected the ways they should be living.
lnjustice is caused by broken spirituallaw.
caused by breaking the immutable spi ritual laws God
set in motion to maintain peace, happiness and security
for both individuals and nations. God has revealed and
defined these spiritual, moral laws in Scripture.
Crime and injustice begin when humans violate
these great spiritual laws revealed in the Ten
Commandments! Many nations have ignored or
twisted these laws in the development of their laws
and societies.
The most important law of right living is
maintaining a right relationship with the Creator.
The breaking of God's- and often human-law
begins when individuals fail to maintain respect for
the Creator and his laws foremost in their minds and
;1ctions. " ... By the fear of the Lord men depart
from evil" (Prov. 16:6) . The fear of God causes
humans to seriously consider all they do and to
strive to live and think rightly, because they realize
God is going to have them give an account of their
lives to their Maker.
Next, true justice in relations with other human
beings is built upon the laws of the Ten
Commandments that regulate relationships between
human beings. These laws command every individual
to honor parents, not to murdei: (or to hate, which is
the spirit of murder), not to commit adultery, not to
steal from others, or bear false witness (tell lies)
about any matter, and not to covet property or
things of others.
Justice is secured when all institutions of society
impress on minds of all ages society's inevitable and
speedy penalty on wrongdoers. Proper justice deters
those who are tempted to commit crime or
wrongdoing because it maintains a track recor<t of
discovery, prosecution and retribution swift and sure.
True justice is built on a clearly defined system of
legal procedure and careful fact-finding by qualified
and mature judges who quickly but fairly get to the
roots of crime or civil conflict. True justice goes
beyond mere physical facts of a case and discerns
intents and attitudes of mind.
True justice is not a system of one kind of justice
for the rich and powerful, and another for the poor
and helpless. In true justice one system of judgment
exists for wrongdoing regardless of race, sex,
economic or political status.
Proper justice swiftly but accurately considers al!
pertinent facts about a crime or contlict. And it
punishes wrongdoers according to the gravity of
their wrongdoing. But there is also merey at genuine
repentance of wrongdoing.
Finally, yet often neglected today, true justice will
make the criminal or wrongdoer properly remunerate
his or her victim for the harm, loss and emotional
pain caused by his wrongdoing.
In sum, a proper system of justice upli fts and
protects a whole community and nation. lt raises
respect for law, law enforcement and government. It
encourages maintenance of proper human relations at
all times in all levels of society.
humans to cbange defects in their character. It fairly
remunerates victims of wrongdoing.
What a wonderful system of justice! Who wouldn't
like to live in a nation--even a world-with justice like
this! Well, the wonderful news is, it's going to happen!
The Bible announces it! This announcement is, in fact,
the gospel message-the good news-Jesus brought
more than 19 centuries ago-the same good news we
announce in
The Plain Truth.