in the United States. The American system of
j ust ice has experienced an explosion of millions of
c ivil lawsuits of citizen against citizen. Many of
these complaints traditiona lly used to be resolved
through church, school or family.
Now, over any grievance, chi ldren are suing
parents, patients are suing doctors , clients are suing
lawyers, employees are suing employers, parishioners
are suing clergymen, bus inessmen sue each other
and neighbors sue neig hbors.
This onslaught of adversary lawsuits to sue anyone
over any real or imagined problem has made citizens
fee l vulne rable to the whims of an offended
passerby, customer, neighbor or associat é.
Origin of Adversary Conflicts
Why do so many adversary relationships exist
between human beings? Why so much hostility and
vengefulness in resolving disputes?
lt 's human na ture, many say. That may be true.
But any explanation that doesn' t answer the true
and solu tion for human nature fails to get to
the bottom of human c r iminality and injustice.
T he Bible reveals the reason for human attitudes
that cause the adversary conflict. The origin of
adversary relat ionships began before man was
c reated.
It started with a great spirit being, an archangel,
named Lucifer in Latín . His origina l Hebrew name
means " Lig htbringer." This being was put over the
earth by the C reator to administer the government
of God. But he wasn't satisfied with his high
position. He wanted the top position of power for
himself. He reasoned the "get" way- the
accumulation of power and wealth for oneself, even
if it meant t aking it away from or hurting
others- was what he wanted.
God's laws, by contrast, are bascd on love for
others, on concern and respect for others as much
as concern for yourself. But Luci fer began to
reason God's way of lovc wasn' t the bcst way.
Lust perverted his mind . " You [Lucifer] were
perfect in your ways from the day you were
c reated, till iniquity [lawlessness] was found in
you ," reveals God in Ezekiel 28:15 ( Revised
Authorized Version).
Lucifer decided to be a competitor with God . " I
will make mysclf like the Most H igh ," he said ( l sa.
14: 14, Revised Standard Ve rsion).
Lucifer was able to draw away one third of God•s
angels with him in his ultimate rebellion (see
He did it through subtly lying
about and defaming God 's character, God's laws and
Now get this! God names many things after their
true nature or character. Lucifer, because of his
hostile attitudes, had his name changed from
Lightbringer to Satan, meaning "Adversary."
Satan, the adversary, became the first criminal
and warmaker. He attemptcd by conques t to boot
God, his M aker , off his throne over the universe.
But Satan miscalculated the awesome power of God.
He and his violence-bent army of angels, now
October 1985
demons, were flung back d own to earth. " l beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heaven," said J esus
(Luke 10: 18).
J esus said Satan was a
from the
beginning of his rebe llion-and the
fat her of /ies
( Jobn
8:44) .
Jesus also warned that human beings
could allow Satan's attitudes of deceit, lyi ng, false
accusation , hate, lust and rebellion to enter their
minds if they did not guard the doors of their minds
(see verses 38,
41 , 44,
same chapter).
Notice what the apost le Paul revealed to early
Christians about their lives before conversion. They
had been "following the course of this world,
following the prince of the
of the air, the
spirit tha t is now at work in the sons of
disobedience" (Eph. 2:2, RSV) .
Grasp that! H umans not only learn wrong ways of
living and wrong atti tudes from other misguided
humans or damaging cultural practices, but S atan has
power to sway people, or broadcast his evil nature and
attitudes and perverted sense of justice through the a ir;
and unsuspecting human minds can pick up such
moods and attitudes, nourish them and develop them as
a very part of the ir human nature. Remember what
True justice is not one kind
of justice for the rich and powerful,
and another for the po_or
and helpless. In true justice one
system exists regardless of race, sex,
economic or political status.
happened to millions in Europe who were swept off
their feet by H itler and Mussolini?
How many today have been t aug ht or know tha t
an invisi ble spirit being is broadcast ing wrong
atti t udes throughout the atmosphere into the minds
of unsuspecting humanity? A humanity that in many
instances does not evcn believe a devil exists?
How many realize that humans, in varying
degrees, have absorbed Satan's altitudes into their
minds ? Sorne individuals and cultures absor b more
than others. There are reasons why.
Scripture reveals Satan has deceived and
inftuenced the
whole world
with his corrupt
a ttitudes and perverted sense of justice. Read it for
yourself in Revelation
Why Societies Became Unjust
a ll began with the very first human couple, Adam
and Eve. They were offered the opportunity to live by
and administcr the government of God over the earth.
God ins tructed them in basic knowledge of right and
wrong. He commanded them to multiply and to rule by
his law of love over the creat ion on ear th.
But because they were free moral agents and had