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percent of unmarríed teenage
mothers now choose to keep their
babies-compared to a decade ago
when 90 percent surrendered them
for adoption. For the future this
means many of these children will
only know a socially undesirable
role model of human conduct. That
is, unless such parents admit their
mistakes and change their ways and
values of living.
In sorne nations there is no great
social stigma in being illegitimate
because so many others are also.
But in other nations, illegitimate
children-especially those of mixed
blood, or the result of occupation
forces- face tremendous social dif–
ficulties and ostracism.
A fearsome price is being paid in
many nations for breaking or ignor–
ing God's immutable spiritual laws
governing sex, marriage and the
family. It's time for sorne bold
speaking about truly right and
wholesome masculine and feminine
responsibility and behavior con–
cerning sex and marriage!
As God Sees lt
Mankind long ago jumped the
track. Human civilizations and
individuals have rejected, repu–
diated or ignored God's instruc–
tions on how to live. Many have
thougbt they could carelessly ftaunt
God's laws on sex. But God's laws
are not mocked!
Hear the writings of Scripture
the Creator has recorded for all
..... if you diligently obey the
voice of the Lord your God, to
observe carefully all His command–
ments . .. all these blessings shall
come upon you and overtake
you.... Blessed shall you be in the
city.... Blessed shall be the fruit
of your body.. .. Blessed shall you
be when you come in, and blessed
shall you be when you go out"
(Deut. 28:1-4, 6 , Revised Autho–
rized Version throughout except
where noted).
But, if nations or individuals
wouldn't obey, shall come to
pass . .. that all these curses will
come upon you and overtake you:
Cursed shall you be in the city, and
cursed shall you be in the coun–
try... . Cursed shall be the fruit of
your body . .. " (verses 15-16, 18).
Illegitimacy is not a problem of
any one race or nation. It's a multi–
national curse!
In many societies, having sex
outside of marriage is the vogue.
..Be sexy." Be the "macho man."
you love me, you will!" Many
young men and women have been
led to flaunt sexiness to be popular.
Many women fear losing a boy–
friend unless they give in to male
sexual demands. Young men pres–
sure each other to "show their
manhood" and prey on women's
weakness and desire for attention,
love and a borne. They'll promise
women anything.
you're caught up in these sins
and ways of thinking, God thun–
ders to you: ..Go and sin no more"
(John 8:11). This is not true
maturity or manhood in God's
How does God look at the
young man who has fathered a
child out of wedlock? "But if any–
one does not provide for his own,
and especially for those of bis
household, he has denied the faith
and is worse than an unbeliever"
(I Tim. 5:8).
To the married God says, "You
shall not commit adultery" (Ex.
20:14). To all he says, "Flee forni–
cation" (I Cor. 6:18, A.V.).
If any decide they can flaunt
those commands, they're kidding
themselves. Whether people break
God's laws through ignorance, or
stubbornness, or peer pressure,
they undermine and damage their
own lives and futures and that of
their children and families! More–
over, they will morally damage and
weaken their own race and nation!
Maybe they don't care, but they
An alarmed and wise black col–
umnist in a Midwest newspaper,
The Detroit News,
wrote an astute
warning to all: ..
the strength of a
race depends on the strength of its
families, then the black race is get–
ting weaker every year.... Black
leadership must convince black
teenagers that virginity and respon–
sible sexual behavior are vital to
their education and future financia}
True Manhood and Womanhood
God long ago decreed what is
required for stable family life and
successful human development:
"[True] love does no harm to a
neighbor ..." (Rom. 13:10). A tru–
ly masculine man and leader in
God's sight is aman knowledgeable
and concerned for the protection
and well-being of his family, proge–
ny and society. He will not forni–
cate. He will not engender children
out of wedlock. Instead he will pre–
pare himself educationally and with
skills to be able to support a wife
and family. He will do all that is in
his power to be a responsible pro–
vider. He will strive to be a right
teacher and example to his wife and
The human sex drive can be con–
trolled. Too many have al! kinds of
excuses for unbridling their lusts.
Yes, sex is a drive. It should be a
motivating factor to motívate a
young man and woman to want to
develop their minds, bodies and
abilities so they can, if possible,
establish a right and sound mar–
riage and borne.
Unmarried women don't have to
..give in." They are to obey and
trust in God.
any diligently obey
God, he promises to provide every
genuine need (Phil. 4: 19).
One little word can work won–
ders in avoiding a multiplicity of
fears, problems and regrets. The
word is
No man who truly
loves and respects a woman would
ever pressure her on the point.
lf you have made mistakes and
become confused about sex, change
your values. Determine not to sin
Don't make the mistake of rea–
soning that contraceptives make
unmarried sex safe. There are more
contraceptives available than ever
and illegitimacy still soars! Millions
of people don't use contraceptives.
And many who say tbey do really
don't. Contraceptives fail in the
hands of people looking for quick
sexual excitement because they use
them improperly, or justly get
caught unprepared.
Your Creator has commanded
that sex relations are for marriage
by a mature man and woman dedi–
cated and committed to each other
as a new family unit (Gen. 2:24).
The tragic evils of illegitimacy
have been made clear to you.
love people, you will resist the per–
missive tide. You will do what God