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was the Word- the Spokesman of
the Hebrew Scriptures (John 1: l-
3). He was the God of Israel- the
Rock that protected and guided
ancient Israel throughout their his–
tory (1 Cor. 10:4).
is the one
who gave and spoke the Ten Com–
mandments! And he said , "For I
am the Lord, 1 change not; there–
fore ye sons of J acob are not con–
sumed" (Mal. 3:6).
So the key is to realize that the
true Christ of your Bible will live
exactly the same life
in you
that he
lived on earth sorne l ,900 years
Jesus said, " 1 and my Father are
one" (John
0:30). God and Christ
preexisted together from eternity.
They are one in mind and purpose
and in character. Through the Holy
Spirit, they both come to live in,
strengthen and gu ide the true
Christian! As Jesus said : " If a man
!ove me, he will keep my words
[the "words" of the Bible!]: and my
Father wi ll !ove him, and we will
come unto him, and make our
abode with him" (John 14:23).
Wby don't you hear this kind of
preacbing and teach ing about
Cbristianity in our present soci–
APOSTASY Prophesled!
Jesus said: " For
shall come
in my name [obviously calling
themselves Christ ian] , saying, 1 am
Christ; and shall deceive many"
(Matt. 24:5).
Regarding the time of Christ 's
Second Coming, the apost le Paul
warned: "Let no roan deceive you
by any means: for that day shall
not come, except there come a
falling away first ... " (1
Throughout the New Testament
we are warned of men who would
come preaching "another Jesus"
(II Cor. 11:4)- not the J esus of the
Bible! And it is clearly indicated
that these false teachers would lead
astray the
vast majority
of those
who call
and t hink
themselves Cbrist ians.
In other words, false teachers
have taken over the name of Jesus
Christ and of Christianity. They
are will ing to have you believe "in"
concept of J esus, but tbey
deny the message he preached , the
law of God that he magnified , and
Aprll 1985
the way of life he set us an example
in living!
The true Christians are always
described as scattered and few–
the little ftock (Luke 12:32), the
"woman" who flees from the pol it–
ico-religious system during the
Middle Ages (Rev. 12:6).
But Christians have always exist–
ed who believed in living by the
inspired words of the Bible, and
who grasped the key of understand–
ing that Jesus is to Iive bis very life
in them by the power of the Holy
Spirit. Scattered and persecuted,
these people have always consti–
tuted the true Church of God.
Though far from perfect, they
walk in the way of life of the Ten
Commandments. They keep holy
the days God made holy- the same
days Jesus and the apostles kept.
They study and understand proph–
ecy and the awesome purpose that
is being worked out here below
among men and nations. They
know what is j ust ahead on the
world scene and are preparing for
the specific prophesied events to
They help support and publ ish
this very magazine-"a magazine
of understanding." If you want to
know more about the understand–
i ng of true Christ ianity , as
revealed in this article, please write
immediately for ou r vital f ree
booklet entitled
The Ten Com–
This booklet will
explain in detail-with clear Bible
proof- the way of Iife described in
this article.
Also, be sure to write for the
Ambassador College Bible Corre–
spondence Course. There has never
been anything like it! It will open
your eyes to the purpose of Iife
more than anything you have read
or heard . And it is sent
without obligation if you request it
for yourself.
The real Christ of true Chris–
tianity is destined soon to return to
tbis earth as King of kings. God's
angels will sbout, "Tbe kingdoms
of this world are become the king–
dorns of our Lo rd , and of his
Cbrist; and he shall reign for ever
and ever" (Rev. 11 :15).
Before he gets here, it would be
a good idea to make sure what his
rnessage really is and to get your
life in line with it.
(Continued from page 14)
dence and set up a living at public
expense. The more illegi t irnate
chi ldren a mother has the more
public money she receives.
Socially supported promíscuity
has created the tragic state of mind
that accepts sometirnes two or
three generat ions born out of wed–
lock without the least concern for
the serious and damaging effects
loosc sexual practices create for off–
spring and society. Generations of
families now exist that have known
only this way of thinking and liv–
Phantom Role Models
For proper development a child
ideally needs the role models of
both a loving, caring father and
mother. Such children do better in
aJI areas of life. Children need sup–
portive two-parent families and
intimate caring and teac hing.
When these children grow up they
are much better prepared to prop–
erly educate and rear their chi l–
dren .
Where are the role models for
many illegitimate chi ldren? I n
whole sections of rnany cities chil–
dren are being raised by unrnarried
women with phantom fathers . No
sol id, stable male is available to
provide an exarnple of caring,
strength , courage, self-discipline
and inspiration. These children
have no male role models to identi–
fy with except drifti ng, jobless,
unstable men and hustlers on the
George Steinlieb, director of the
Rutge rs University Center for
Urban Policy Research, says there
is a definite linkage between juve–
ni le delinquency and children
raised without fathers. In schools,
these children cause signi fi cantly
more discipline problerns.
Widespread sexual activity out–
sirle of marriage has fueled another
growing social evil. Many wornen
who have allowed thernselves to
sexually indulge, in desperation
seek abortions-the killing of the
helpless fetuses in the womb. In the
United States, almos t 75 percent of
abor t ions are obtained by unmar–
ried women.
Also in the United States, 90