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but he still insists he won't be
caJied "Grampa."
Whatever we want to call grand–
parents, it is one of the most inspir–
ing times of life. Unfortunately, in
many segments of Western socie–
ties, the art of grandparenting has
been lost.
In today's highly mobile society
so many young families move away
to pursue careers far away from
home. At this time grandparcnts
can fulfill a very needed role of
stabil ity and provide a connection
to hereditary roots.
is important
to take advantage of their experi–
ence, !ove and concern.
The Bible teaches respect for age
and its accompanying wisdom. God
instructed through Mases, "Rise in
the presence of the aged, show
respect for the elderly and revere
your God" (Lev. 19:32, New Inter–
national Version throughout).
What a shame when society
rejects this important spiritual
My wife and 1 noticed something
recently while riding the crowded
subways of Tokyo, Japan. When an
elderly man or woman boarded,
often a younger person would offer
the older his place rather than see
the elderly remain standing. That
kind of respect seems to be rare
In many societies this is no Jon–
ger the standard. Young people
crowd onto public transportation
and seldom assist the elderly when
a bus or train is crowded.
Witb tbis declining respect for
age comes an attendant Jack of
regard for experience and wisdom.
It is a wise young person who takes
advantage of his grandparents'
Don' t Forget the Past
Our 12-year-old daughter spent
last summer with her grandparents
in Texas. They are all in their 70s
now and have lived through and
experienced the many changes of
tbe 20th century. My job has
required severa! moves and we are
now living sorne 1,500 miles from
our parents. But we know the
importance of grandparents and
their inftuence.
On my wife's side of the family
there are 20 grandchildren. As
patriarch and matriarch of the clan,
her parents bave set a fine exarnple
and standard, not only for their sev–
en children, but for their grand–
children as well.
My mother has a special lave for
our five children. Since I am an
only child they are the only grand–
children she has.
Our children have been able to
stay with one set of grandparents or
the other at least one summer.
So this last summer was our
youngest daughter's turn to spend
the summer with her grandparents.
We found a book in the bookstore
Grandparents can
fulfill a needed role
of stability
by providing a
to hereditary roots.
prepared especially for grand–
children to interview and record
interests and experiences of their
She took her book and has writ–
ten stories from her grandmother's
younger years. She heard things
her parents had not heard. Maybe
we just never took the time to sit
down with our parents to hear
them. So many of these marvelous
experiences would have been
passed over and forgotten bad our
daughter not recorded them.
The remaining years will pass
quickly. So we are now making
plans for a future visit to tape
record a few hours of the interest–
ing times and experiences of sorne
of the generation tbat have lived
through the most rapidly changing
time in all human history. Maybe
many of you might be inspired to
do the same.
A Grandfather's Advice
Severa! years ago our oldest daugh–
ter went to spend tbe spring school
vacation at her grandparents.
her senior year of high school and
she was experiencing the agonies of
making decisions about her future.
Should she stay at borne and attend a
university nearby? Should sbe Jive
near her grandparents and go to a
junior college? Should she attend
Ambassador College in California,
where her grandfather and both her
father and mother had graduated?
was weighing heavily on her
mind. She wasn't sure she wanted
to move away to California (we
lived in another state at the time).
My wife and 1 were trying not to
interfere- we wanted the decision
to be hers.
One night during the visit, her
grandfather took her out to dinner
to discuss her future. He calmly
and lovingly directed her to think
about the pros and cons of each
possibility. But having a deep !ove
for Ambassador College he said,
"Whatever the faults and flaws you
may feel about Ambassador Col–
lege, it is a better place for you
than any other institution."
Tbose words of wisdom hit borne.
Even though she had applied to and
been accepted at one or more other
colleges, she carne home from that
visit to her grandparents determined
to attend Ambassador College.