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Ronald D. Kelly
Sorne of the most
important people in
the family
are grandparents.
quickly the years
roll by.
seems only
yesterday, you were
young and carefree,
living at borne under the care
of parents.
Then carne the college years or
you decided to work full time.
Next was marriage. Then chil–
dren. Befa re you realize it they are
grown, off to college, settled into
jobs. They are married and you are
Then one day you receive the
momentous notice you are about to
become grandparents.
Such are life's cycles.
One of my closest friends
entered into the wonderful world of
grandparenting a couple of years
ago. In sorne ways he wasn't really
ready for it- he and his wife were
in their early to middle 40s when
they received the good news.
"No way anyone is going to call
me 'Grampa,' " he announced to all
his friends. "The youngster can call
me D.W., Don , Doc-anything but
'Grampa.'" We gota chuckle out of
bis newfound confrontation with the
passing years. And we knew he
would be "Grandpa" in a very short
But you know what? H is grand–
daughter , who is now nearly 3 years
old, calls him "Doc." He now has a
second grandchild- and all his
friends wonder if he will ever be
Grandpa. In spite of what she calls
him, he warmly and lovingly fulfills
the role of grandpa. The proud
grandfather takes a lot of teasing,