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discovered with the a id of the
Ambassador College Bible Corre–
spondence Course:
Your Bible corr es ponde n ce
course is the most rewa rding and
rema rka ble course that has ever
been put together. 1 am learning
more a bout my Bible and how to
unders tand it since 1 started, than 1
have ever learned from reading the
Bible myself, or from any minister
have ever heard or ta lked to.
Quincy, lllinois
1 am up to Lesson 3 of your cor–
r es po nd e n ce course, a nd a m
amazed a t what 1 have discovered in
the Bible. Your method of s tudy
makes it ea sy to learn. 1, like most
people, thought the Bible would be
hard to understa nd, but it really
isn't. 1 would highly recommend
this course to a nyone.
McKenzie, Tennessee
The following student was like
the man who tried to read the Bible
upside down with dark glasses–
until he enrolled in the course:
For quite sorne time 1 have been
reading and trying to understand
what the Bible was a ll a bout. 1
couldn't for the life of me make
heads or tails of it. That is until this
past year with tbe help of your
Bible correspondence course. 1
must honestly say this has just got
to be the most simple and under–
standing way to learn the meaning
of God's Word. 1 could possibly
have stumbled tbrough the Bible for
the rest of my life and still not
unders tood wbat it was a ll about .
You have opened my eyes, my mind
and my life.
Glen Lyon, P ennsylvania
Even with a doctor 's degree in
divinity, this student learned addi–
tional fundamental knowledge es–
sential to understand ing the pur–
pose of life from the Ambassador
College Bible Correspondence
1 gradua ted from three Bible
schools a nd have a doctor 's degree
in divinity, but 1 have learned more
from your correspondence course
tha n anywbere else. You ma ke it so
plain to understand with tbe scrip–
ture verses to back up what you
ha ve written.
is just beautiful and
rm so thankful for it.
Vanceboro, North Carolina
A well-pleased Canadian wrote
the following letter:
Before beari ng t h e
had many
unanswered questions that were so
big tha t a psychiatris t was unwiU–
ing to a nswe r them. The only
answer 1 received from him was
tha t 1 s hould t a k e a trip to
Eur ope, go hunting, roa m t he
countryside to get close to na ture,
take up sailboating, get married,
etc. This didn' t answer any of my
Tbrougb tbe Ambassador Col–
lege Bible Correspondence Course 1
have received direct a nd worka ble
answers to all my questions. 1 am
now Iearning the real purpose in life
and receiving blessings beyond my
wildest dreams.
Va ncouver, B.C.
Notice what happened to this
student's understanding after just
four lessons:
1 have just completed my first
four lessons of the correspondence
course. Suddenly 1 realized the
amazing change in my unders tand–
ing of the Bible as 1 reca lled the
days before 1 ever requested the
has helped move me out
of comple te mis unde rs tanding,
mytb, guesswork and bewilderment,
and into a clear and ever-revealing
knowledge of tbe Bible.
Edwa rd M.
Hanford, California
A well-educated student wrote
this letter:
Since 1 had the advantage of a
good deal of this world's educa–
tion, 1 feel qualified to make this
next statement . Altbough tbe cor–
respondence course is written so
tba t anyone wbo can read can ea s–
ily do tbe work, in qua lity and
thoroughness of instruction, it is
easily t he equiva lent of courses
given for college credit by tbe bet–
ter colleges and universities.
really superior.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Many are surprised to find that
limited schooling is no barrier to
studying the Bible with these les–
sons, as this student, a high-school
dropout, discovered:
Please tell people they don' t have
to bave a high school education to
take the Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course.
finish high school and that kept me
from writing for it for a long time.
Now there isn't enough money to
buy the lessons from me that 1 have
Tava res, Florida
You, too, can begin to share
these same experiences. You can
begin to understand the knowledge
that really counts.
The only qualification necessary
for taking this course is the ability
to read. As the last student said, no
prior college training or other
advanced education is necessary at
These monthly lessons are plain–
ly and interestingly written. And
there are no assignments to send
in- just a test after every fourth
lesson so that you can check your
own progress as you continue your
studies. New lessons are being
added from time to time to .this
open-ended course.
Remember, there is no tuition
cost or obligation to you. Your les–
sons have already been paid for by
others who are voluntarily helping
to send this vital knowledge to all
who request it. The course is
lutely free.
Wi ll you Jet the Ambassador
College Bible Correspondence
Course make the Bible 100 percent
relevant to your life today? You
can begin by checking the corre–
spondence cou rse box o n the
enclosed literature request card and
returning it as instructed .
Or you can call our toll-free
number (see inside front cover) and
ask to be enrolled.
Do it right now and you won't
forget. You ' 11 be glad you took
advantage of what so many have
called "an oppor tunity of a life–
time" !