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and animals become dust once
Created Mortal
Past issues of
The Plain Truth
have revealed that the government
of God ceased to be administered
on this earth after the rebellion of
Lucifer (now Satan) and one third
of the angels. Later, God created
the first human, Adam, with the
potential of qualifying to replace
Satan as ruler of the earth, thus
restoring the government and way
of God to this earth. But to qualify
as successor to Satan, the human
successor had to
Satan's way
and voluntarily come under the
government of God.
God's master plan for accom–
plishing his purpose for the human
race took form and shape even
befare man was made. God planned
that if mortal man sinned by reject–
ing God's government-as all but
Jesus have-God would make it
possible for him to REPENT- to
turn from sinning,
to be reconciled
to God and to live God's way of
life, finally to be born of God as
members of his eterna! family!
Repentance is turning
way of Satan
the government of
is accepting God's rule over
our lives through bis law of !ove.
is accepting Jesus Christ as Savior
and coming King-the "second
Adam" who qualified (where the
first Adam fai led) to reestablish the
government of God on the earth by
overcoming Satan. Those who are to
reign with Christ must likewise
reject Satan's way, overcome that
way day by day, and actually live by
God's law of !ove. If they continue
in this way, they will be born of
God- become immortal spirit at
first resurrection (1 Cor. 15:42-
54; John 3:3-8).
But those who will not repent
and accept Christ's sacrifice in pay–
ment for their sins-those who
refuse to turn from Satan's way and
refuse to come under the govern–
ment of God in their lives- will
ultimately perish (Rom. 6:23; Rev.
20:14-15; Mal. 4:1-3).
God wants every human being
who has ever lived to have the
opportunity to repent and live for–
ever (II Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4). But
God will not force anyone to choose
life. For those who refuse to follow
God's way to eterna! life there will
be the
"second death"-the
fate of
al l UNrepentant sinners. They will
cease to exist forever. They will be
as if they had never been!
We can now see that God chose to
make man fi rst out of physical mat–
ter instead of spi rit for an important
reason. Befare the creation of man,
he had made angels out of immortal
spirit-not mortal flesh and blood,
subject to death. And one third of
these angels sinned by rebelling
against the government of God. But
the punishment of sinning angels is
not death.
Angels Were Created Dlfferent
Angels are composed of spirit and
therefore cannot die. Since one
One thing evolution can
never explain is the total
difference between animal
brain equipped with
instinct, and the human
mind with creative
reasoning powers of
third of the angels chose the way of
sin, their punishment will last for
eternity. Their sins have resulted in
eterna! hopelessness and frustra–
tion, their minds being filled with
resentment, bitterness and rebel–
lion. Happiness and joy have left
But for man, God planned in
advance that if man, composed of
matter, sinned and refused to
repent , he would die-he would be
as though he had not been. God
a llow any incorrigible
human being to live forever in men–
tal anguish and torment like the
fallen angels. This plan reflects
God's great merey toward mortal
When called by God and made
to realize that he has sinned, man
can REPENT-turn
his sin
God's way. And once his course is
changed, with God's help he can
pursue a life of obedience to God.
He can grow in spiritual knowledge
and develop the character of God–
overcome wrong habits, weaknesses
and faults. And this is all done
through the free will and choice of
human mind.
Only man, of all God's physical
creatures, has the seemingly mirac–
ulous ability to think, reason, plan
and design, come to conclusions
based on acquired knowledge. Ani–
mals cannot comprehend the con–
cepts of good and evil. They don't
Have you ever wondered why?
Have you ever thought about t he
vast difference
between animal
brain and human mínd, and what
could possibly account for it?
Animal Braln va. Human Mind
There is a great,
between animal brain and human
mind. The evolutionary theory
assumes that humans are animals.
But one thing evolution can never
explain is the total difference
between animal brain equipped
with instinct, and the human mind
with creative reasoning powers of
intellect and devoid of instinct in
the strict sense that animals possess
Sorne animals have physical
brains as large or larger than man's
brain, and with similar cerebral
cortex complexity-but none has
the powers of intellect, logic, self–
consciousness and creativity.
The physical brain of a dolphin,
whale or elephant is larger than the
human brain, while a chimp's is
slightly smaller. Qualitatively the
difference between them and the
human brain is very li ttle- not
enough to remotely account for the
vastly superior intelligence and out–
pul of the human brain. The gap
between animal brain and human
mind is incredibly vast!
When God molded Adam out of
the dust of the ground, he was
made in the " likeness"- the out–
ward form and shape- of Goo
himself (Gen. 1:26). God did not
make any of the other creatures to
be a clay replica of himself. This
unique form and shape was
given to
man alone.
This is because man
was created with the potential to
become God!
Each animal was created with a
brain suited for its particular ani–
mal kind. But animals do not have