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What Makes HimUnique?
the most com–
plex, truly unique
physical mechanism
ever designed and made.
With such a marvelous mind
and body, we might expect it
was only natural that our Maker
send along bis " Instruction
Book"-just as a manufacturer
sends along with the instrument
or device he manufactures an
instruction book describing
what bis product is designed to
That Instruction Book God did
send . It reveals the
missing dimen–
in knowledge-the incredible
human potential.
God's lnstruction Book
This Instruction Book tells us
we are,
we are,
we are
going, and the
to get there! We
call it the Holy Bible.
It reveals that God first created
angels-composed of spirit, though
lesser than God and lacking in ulti–
mate creative power.
reveals that
the physical universe, including the
earth, was next brought into exis–
tence. A third of the angels were
then placed here on earth. They
were put under the rule of the gov–
ernment of God, which was admin–
istered on eartb by the great arch–
angel known as Lucifer.
Under the government of
God- which is in reality the
administration of God's way of
as spelled out by the
Richard H. Sedliacik
Ten Commandments-the earth
was initially filled with peace,
happines s, joy and wonderful
accomplishment. But ultimately,
Lucifer led the angels under him
into rebellion . The government of
God was rejected, no longer
enforced. As a result, the earth
became waste and empty, in con–
fusion and darkness (Gen. 1:2).
Later, in six literal days God
renewed the face of the earth (Ps.
104:30). He made physical life
forms-the flora and then the fau–
na. These life forms were created
without reasoning, decision-mak–
ing processes, and without ethical
or moral capabilities-except for
man, God's masterpiece of cre–
ative workmanship.
What Man ls
In the
of knowledge,
God's Instruction Book for man,
the Creator God reveals much
knowledge about man himself that
is totally beyond man's ability to
discover for himself- including
the knowledge and understanding
of what man
is, why
he was made
that way, and what he is ultimately
God created the first man. And
he tells us how he made him so
there would be no doubt as to what
we really are. The first man was
made from and therefore com–
posed of earth- the dust of the
ground! (Gen . 2:7).
was the
man-"thou"-that was
composed of the dust of the
ground (Gen. 3: 19).
After God had formed the
man-made all tbe cells in his
body-God imparted to him
life (Gen. 2:7). God blew into
the man's lungs, througb tbe nos–
breath of life"–
containing oxygen, and the man
began to live! Notice that the
verse does not say God breathed
an immortal soul into tbe man.
The source of pbysical life in
man and all animals is the same.
Not once in the Bible does the
"breath of life" even remotely refer
to an "immortal soul" or life apart
from the physical body. Otherwise
animals, birds and even insects–
gnats, fleas, mosquitoes-have im–
mortal souls, for tbey all have the
same "breath of life" (Gen. 7:21-
When God breathed the breath
of life into the nostrils of the first
man, he became "a living soul"
(Gen. 2:7).
Man does not
a soul- man
a "soul"! (See the relating article
in the previous issue of
The Plain
for an in-deptb explana–
Since man is a soul, and the soul
is mortal-then manis mortal , sub–
ject to death. Tbat is why the
Scriptures call human beings
"mortal man" (Job 4:
When an animal dies, it is dead.
When man dies, he is completely
dead, too. AIJ men and animals
alike go to the same place at death
(Eccl. 3:20). Why? Because they
all have the same
of life-air. After death, all men