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saken; struck down, but not
destroyed" (Il Cor. 4:8-9).
There is also a who's who of
Bible personalities whose faith was
alive! It's in Hebrews
relied on God to shoulder their bur–
dens. They realized that if God
could be for them, then who could
possibly be against them? (Rom.
Where does tbat leave us? Just
as God promised never to forsake
David, Paul and others, he prom–
ises not to forsake us either, if we
turn to him and live a different ,
positive, obedient life by the faith
of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
That begins with deep, sincere
repentance like David expressed in
Psalm 51 . Then comes laying aside
your old ways and habits symboli–
cally in water baptism. God then
promises you the receiving of the
Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Problems are necessary building
blocks of life-even a life led by
the Spirit of God. We read: "In
this you greatly rejoice, though
now for a little while, if need be,
you have been grieved by various
trials, that the genuineness of your
faith, being much more precious
than gold that perishes, though it is
tested by fire, may be found to
praise, honor, and glory at the reve–
lation of Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 1:6-
7). Trials, then, strengthen our
When we think life has dealt us a
rotten hand, that the road is too
rough, all the canty, pull-yourself–
up-by-your-own-bootstraps think–
ing in the world won't work- at
least not for very long.
Without the premier purpose
and direction in life--that we were
created to become God-humans
have only this uncertain, temporary
life in which to place hope and con–
Through his Spirit, God trans–
mits precious faith that enables one
to rise above the threat of nuclear
genocide, crime and other perils.
To the righteous God pledges:
"Many are the affiictions of the
righteous, but the Lord delivers
him out of them all" (Ps. 34:19) .
"The glory of the Lord shall be
your rear guard. Then you shall
ca11, and the Lord will answer; you
sha11 cry, and He will say, 'Here 1
am'" (lsa. 58:8-9).
With such monumental promises
from God, the true Christian can
radiate a cheerful optimism even in
adversity. Former U.S. President
Gerald Ford touched on that opti–
mism in a speech he made sbortly
after leaving office in 1976:
"lt is not an easy transition, but
with the help of one's family and
friends and with the conviction that
His own purposes in
each of
JiveS, it iS easier tO See
that leaving the White House is not
the end of the world but simply the
beginning of a new chapter in one's
God has promised to provide faith
from above that gives hope and
encouragement even through the
toughest of times. " He gives power
to the weak, and to those who have
no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be
weary, and the young men shall
utterly fa11, but those who wait on
the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up witb wings like
eagles, they sha11 run and not be wea–
ry, they sha11 walk and not be faint"
(Isa. 40:29-31).
God Wants the Beat for Us
God wishes that we live an abun–
dant life of accomplishment and
fulfillment (John 10:10), yet not
without tests and trials.
1 recall the faith expressed by
my fatber. Wben I was about 14,
he deeply desired to live in tbe
country, a choice 40 acres of land
in East Texas, with plenty of room
to graze Hereford cattle and a pond
to raise ducks.
At tbe time, we lived in tract
housing in a sma11 town, which,
although pleasant, was a
ertheless. he longed for the coun–
try life. Somebow he knew God
would provide and told me later he
prayed earnestly for a promise
found in Psalm 37:4: "Delight
yourself also in the Lord, and He
shall give you the desires of your
Our family regularly visited
"our" land. " Here's where we'11
put a house," 1 remember my
father saying confidently. "Over
there we'11 dig a well. We'11 build
our own sewage system."
The only problerri-tbe land
wasn't for sale. My father had to
convitlCe them tosen it. He trusted
God in intense prayer. While the
owner took weeks to decide, we
loaded a truck with al l our earthly
possessions and stacked tbem under
the largest pine tree on the land .
"Sometimes you have to .step out in
faith," my fatDer said.
Though tbe owner finally agreed
to sell,
remember a delay in
escrow carne next. My father
:emained unflinching, looking to
God. The fo11owing week my father
moved a tbree-bedroom trailer onto
the land, in faith that all tbe legal
and financia! proceed ings would
follow tbrough.
He did build a well and sewer,
and we raised cattle on that land for
almost 1O years. Eventually the
trailer was replaced with a brick
house. My father's faitb-given to
him by bis Creator-bas proved
inspirational to me many times
True Christians-those who pos–
sess God's Holy Spirit and live by
every word of God-enjoy content–
ment and satisfaction. To them
God gives powerful faitb to find
solutions to problems and to drive
out fear, discouragement and wor–
ry. They radiate cbeerfulness and
smiles. They show !ove, sinceri ty,
vigor, calm and goodwi11 toward
others, instead of being self-con–
scious with so much overinterest in
Back to my Volvo. Faith alone
will not replace my engine nor
cause the sky to rain money. But
Christ's faith does enable me to
trust God absolutely for help. "But
God is faithful, who will not a11ow
you to be [tested] beyond what you
are able, but with tbe [tria!] will
also make the way of escape, that
you may be able to bear it" (1 Cor.
Since God cares for birds, ani–
mals and flowers, he promises to
surely care for us if we obey him
(Matt. 6:25-34).
you truly believe God's written
word-tbe Bible-obstacles won't
dictate your attitude, for that living,
practica! faith will never fail you.
would be easy to become dis–
couraged and depressed-even give
up--if one didn't bave anytbing to
live for, if one didn't believe God
who guarantees that with him noth–
ing wi ll be impossible (Luke
:37). o