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David, who, despite constant adver–
sity, refused to despair and give up
his faith in the Almighty God. Yet
it wasn't David's faith- it was the
faith of God in him!
Young David before he became
king was often fteeing for his life,
once eluding an army of 3,000
highly trained commandos commis–
sioned to track him down and kili
him (I Sam. 26). When in peril
David didn't talk himself into look–
ing on the bright side. He relied on
God for help because he knew God
was with him.
And herein líes the key to being
positive- having the faith of God.
Without faith the natural mind will
remain selfish and negative. Even
when David made mistakes a total–
ly loyal and faithful God stayed
with him. Why? Because David
was always sorry for his mistakes
and sins. He always repented of his
sins- and cbanged.
David was a positive thinker–
God's way. "I have set the Lord
always before me; because He is at
my right hand I shall not be
moved" (Ps. 16:8, Revised Autho–
rized Version throughout). Notice
the feeling and emotion David put
into that statement-"I shall not be
David's confidence in God rather
than himself carried him over,
around and through the mountain–
ous obstacles in his life. Because he
prayed often and thought about
God's laws continually (Ps. 55: 17;
1:2), he thought positively. Yet
that wasn't all.
Life Must Have Purpose
David kept'his mind focused on his
purpose in life. He knew that
humanity was put on earth eventu–
ally to become God's very own
sons, one day to rule over earth's
nations as ever-living spirít beings
(Ps. 2:7-8). God revealed to David
he chose to obey God, he
could live forever (Ps. 23:6; 36:9;
89:28-29; 149:4)!
Talk about motivation! No won–
der David praised God so intensely.
He realized God alone possesses by
nature eterna! life (Ps. 62:2, 5-7).
And man can partake of that same
nature! David's affiictions and trou–
bles, though harrowing and upset–
ting, were ameliorated by trust and
confidence in God.
The Psalms aren't just reserved,
quiet chapters designed to rock you
to sleep. They describe David's
heartfelt thoughts. In Psalm 27:3
David trusts God absolutely to
deliver him. "Though an army
should encamp against me, my
heart shall not fear; though war
should rise against me, in this
be confiden
We may have this same faith
today to carry us through our daily
problems and tests. Yet this faith
cannot be conjured of oneself.
strictly a gift from God (Eph. 2:8).
Let's look at a New Testament
example. The apostle Paul suffered
more trials and tests than most of
us ever will. Paul was beaten with
rods and lashed with a cat-o'-nine–
tails, stoned, imprisoned, lost at
sea, shipwrecked, robbed and went
without food and water (II Cor.
Paul too had the vision. He, like
David, knew his purpose in life.
Hence, with God at the controls, he
could confidently proclaim: "All
things work together for good to
those who !ove God, to those who
are the caBed according to His pur–
pose" (Rom. 8:28).
True, Paul at times had difficul–
ty being positive (Heb. 12:11 ), but
he knew God would never forsake
him (Heb. 13:5). "We are hard
pressed on every side, yet not
crushed; we are perplexed, but not
in despair; persecuted, but not for-