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Voice CriesOut
(Continued from page 6)
(Genesis 1:2), but in six days (Gene–
sis 1:2-26) God renewed the face of
the earth (Psalm 104:30) .
The GovERNMENT OF Goo was no
longer administered on the earth.
Lucifer had been changed into Satan
the devil. His angels had become
demons. It now remained for a MAN
to reject the "GET" way of Iife Luci–
fer had introduced and qua lify to
replace the disqualified Satan by
accepting God's "GIVE" way- the
Creator's way of LOVE- to RESTORE
the Government of God to the
Remember, angels were created
out of spirit-created immortal.
They are now self-existent with eter–
na! Iife inherent within them. Their
turn to vanity, lust and greed, compe–
tition, strife and destruction and
REBELLION against God and God's
WAY (which is His character) left
them filled with total unhappiness,
resentment and bitterness, mental
torment and anguish-FOREVER!
Angels, as God created them, were
superior to man as man now is. The
sinning angels knew full well the
tragic consequences of their rebellion
against the GOVERNMENT OF Goo.
They alone were fully responsible for
the consequences they now are bear–
ing, and shall bear eterna lly.
But we shall see that God has
something better for man- even for
those humans who reject the·a lmost
unbelievable, incredible, transcen–
dent potential that is man's!
Before we come to that, .in the
following chapter, one more vitally
important factor must be covered
before we have cleared the air entire–
!y about WHO and WHAT is God.
In the earliest revelation in God's
Word about WHO and WHAT is God,
in John 1: 1-4, 14, TWO Persons are
andonly two!
The next earliest revelation the
Scriptures give us in time-order of
God's existence is found in Genesis 1
and verse 1, "ln the beginning God
created the heavens [plural , Revised
Standard Version] and the earth."
In this chapter I have covered the
creation and placing on earth of the
angels. All that is filled in by other
portions of the Scriptures in both OId
and New Testaments. Then verse 2
of the first chapter of Genesis in
exceeding brevity covers the physical
calamity resulting from angelic sin.
There it is stated, in -King James
language, "And the earth was witb–
out form, and void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep.. .."
The words
without form and void
are translated from the Hebrew
meaning, in English,
in confusion and
That describes the devastation
resulting from earthwide sin of the
angels. This angelic sin is mentioned
in 11 Peter 2:4. Verse 5 describes the
destruction by flood coming upon the
whole world by antedeluvian sin
between the times of Adam and
was sin covering the wbole
eartb, and tbe physical destruction
by flood covered the whole earth.
The next verse, 6, describes the
sins of Sodom and Gomorrha. The
physical destruction resulting cov–
ered the area of those sins- the
Sodom and Gomorrha area.
These three verses refer by impli–
cation to the physical chaos that
happened to the earth following the
earthwide sin of angels.
In Psalm 104:30 we read of God's
renewing of the face of the earth, and
here it mentions His Spirit as the
POWER of this re-creation: "Thou
sendest forth thy spirit, they are
created; and thou renewest the face
of the earth."
So, verse 2 of Genesis 1 shows this
physical devastation resulting from
angelic earthwide sin. The entire
earth had become covered with
oceans. The light of God and God's
righteous ways had, by universal sin,
brought darkness to the earth's sur–
face. Now, completing verse 2 of
Genesis 1: "and the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters."
This is the first mention of the
Spirit of God in the Bible, and it is
here mentioned as the POWER of God
by which God, through the "Word"
(John 1:1), renewed the face of the
earth. He, the Word, "spake and it
was done" (Psalm 33:6). The Spirit
of God did as the Word, who later
became Jesus, commanded. The
Spirit of God is the POWER of God,
emanating from God and Christ.
A comparison might be made toa
man's breath. The Hebrew word for
spirit is
ruach ,
and the Greek word in
the New Testament is
mean spirit, but both also mean
wind, breath or air . In John 3:8 Jesus
compared the Holy Spirit of God to
wind, in explaining to Nicodemus
how a man must be born of the Holy
Spirit of God.
"That which is born of the Spirit is
spirit," He said, (verse 6). Then to
explain God's Spirit, which must
enter a person prior to being "born
again" as an immortal in God's
Kingdom- God's very Divine FAMI–
LY- Jesus said, "The wind bloweth
where it listeth, and thou hearest the
sound thereof, but canst not tell
whence it cometh, and whither it
goeth: so is everyone that is born of
the Spirit."
· As breath or air may emanate
from a man's mouth or nose, so the
Holy Spirit emanates from God and
from Christ.
WHAT, then, is the Holy Spirit?
is the very divine
Power of God, that imparts divine
and immortal life to a repentant and
believing Christian, begetting such a
person as a child of God. And it is
It is the POWER emanating from
God by which God creates.
is the
LOVE of God which the converted
Christian receives from God. lt is the
FAITH of Christ.
is the Spirit that
imparts to the human mihd spiritual
comprehension. It is the power of
God by which the child of God may
overcome sin.
is the Spirit by
which, on human surrender, repen–
tance, faith and decision, God im–
parts HIS CHARACTER toa human.
personal God of the Old Testament,
David said: "Whither shall I go from
thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from
thy presence?
I ascend up into
heaven, thou art there: if 1 make my
bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I
take the wings of the morning, and
dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand.Jead me .. ."
(Psalm 139:7-1
WHO and WHAT is Goo? God is
omniscient. God is omnipresent–
everywhere present at once!
His Person formed like that of a
human, but through the Holy Spirit
that emanates from the Person of
God the Father and also from Christ
the Son.
1 can, through the sense of sight,