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Peace in Zimbabwe is but a lull in
a gathering storm. The very hall–
mark of our age is that "nation will
rise against nation and kingdom
against kingdom" (Matthew 24:7).
Dark days indeed Ioom ahead if
this world's political leaders, driven
by tbeir emotions, jealousies and nar–
row self-interests, pursue unreasona–
ble policies which can only provoke
one holocaust after another.
The alternative to peace in south–
ern Africa, remarked a former South
African prime minister , is "too
ghastly to contemplate." J ust what
this might be was more than hinted
at by South African heart surgeon,
Christiaan Barriard, in his remark–
able book
South Africa: Sharp Dis–
"Let those states in Africa who
give launchiríg pads to the Commu–
nists and Jet those in the Western
world who would be our friends know
that South Africa will not commit
national suicide. Those who wish to
push South Africa to the brink must
not be
if their extremist
threat to the very existence of the
South African society evokes the
ultimate defence as made possible by
its nuclear capacity."
Needed: New World Leaders
In his book, Dr. Barnard lays bare
tbe hypocrisies and deceits so preva–
Jent on the modern-day political
scene. What the world needs instead,
he said, are governments in which
"the most competent man or woman
is chosen for a particular portfolio
[cabinet office)." He decried the fact
that his profession demanded quali–
fied doctors and surgeons to lead it,
whereas politics " requires no formal
examinations, no tests or other proof
of the ability of the candidates it
prometes to the highest positions, not
only in its own body but in the
country itself."
Dr. Barnard then gives what he
calls his " prescription for competent
"One can readily imagine that if
all the countries of the world were
run by the most competent people
from the respective countries ... we
could then look forward to business–
Jike debates and decisive resolutions
based on the realities of a given
May 1980
situation, rather than the emotive
debating and impractical resolutions
flowing from double standards and
Believe it or not , Dr. Barnard's
prescription for the future will come
to pass-but in a different way and
sooner than he or anyone else might
God Almighty is, at this very
moment , grooming a generation of
leaders-to-be who will take over the
reins of world government in the
soon-coming Kingdom of God. Men
and women are being selected for this
awesome responsibility from nations,
cultures, races and tortgues around
the earth. The world as a whole is not
cognizant of what God is doing (I
John 3:1 ), but this selection and
education process is nonetheless well
under way.
ln the peaceful world tomorrow, its
leaders-changed from mortal to
infall ible immortal beings-will
"judge righteous judgment" (John
7:24). Governmental hypocrisy and
deceit will bea thingofthepast.
Peace, harmony, respect and coop–
eration among all nations will be the
• ls baptism essential to salva–
• What are the conditions?
• When should you be bap–
• How should you be baptized
and by whom?
Repentance and belief are the first two
steps toward lile as a true Christian.
Water baptism is the next
lt's not
jusi a ritual, bu! an ordinance set by
Jesus Christ. According lo !he Scrip–
tures baptism is
can obtain !he Holy Spirit and, eventual-
order of the day. The Kingdom of
God will prove to be the only govern–
ment under which all peoples every–
where can live, free of suspicion and
fear. A worldwide economic "El
Dorado" will at ilist come about.
Suffering and destruction will
cease (Isaiah 11 :9) . Wars, including
guerrilla terrorism- the scourge of
the 20th century-will be scrapped
as national policies (lsaiah 2:4).
Then and only then will the hope
expressed earlier by Mr. Mugabe
come to pass, "And they shall beat
their swords into plowshares." o
Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
earth! Why don' t you urge your
friends, neighbors and relatives to
ask for
sample copies of
Plain Truth?
the understanding of
of the world situation
today. They, too, live in this world.
They, too, are going to be seriously
affected by events now in the mak–
ing. o
ly, eternallife. Discover !he truth about
water baptism. 11 could be the most
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About Water Baptism
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. .
Use the reply card to request your copy or
write to The PLAIN TRUTH address nearest
you. See inside front cover.