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Nuclear War
As an American-oriented
organizatton 1 find you and
your magazine writers bave
little to say about the fact that
tbe American President has
amassed, and is still amassing,
huge stocks of weapons of mass
lsn't the plain truth of the
Bible, as expressed by Jesus
Christ, completely contrary to
what President Reagan is
doing? Can aman ora nation
!ove his neighbour by blasting
him out of existence? Surely, if
the Truth is going to make us
free, you should tell it about
every nation, including the
United States.
Stan Pearson
Wellington, New Zealand
Your letter should inc/ude
al/ nuclear powers. We gave
our answer in the recent article
"How the West Could End the
Fear of Nuclear War Now."
European Union
A cutting from a daily
newspaper refers to
suggestions by France on
setting up a Western
European Un ion for defence,
independent of the U.S.A.
This brings to mind a recent
article on this very subject in
one of your issues a month or
two back. You certainly keep
up to date with world events,
and more important so does
the Bible.
Bedford, England
Napoleon and the Pope
1 want to compliment you
on the article "Napoleon
The Pope" by Keith Stump in
the March issue.
is one of
the most succinct and accurate
articles about Napoleon's rapid
rise and fall that 1 have ever
1 do, however, wish to point
out that the statement,
"Napoleon dies on May 21 ,
1821, on St. Helena,
November/ December 1984
bcen slowly poisoned by one
of his disenchanted
countrymen," is based solely
on a theory propounded by a
Swedish pathologist, Dr.
Forshufvud, which is
described in Ben Weider's
The Murder of
This theory has not yet
been proveo to be fact and
probably never will.
Otherwise, it was an
excellent article about one of
the most remarkable humans
in all history.
Napoleonic Society
of America
BeUeair, Florida
Second Time Around
wish to enroll in
Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course. For
the last two years
have been
a subscriber to your magazine
for tbe second time. The first
was a subscriber from
1969 until 1976,
read your
magazine with interest. Now
second time around, it is more
than interest which keeps me
glued to the pages of this
great magazine.
realising our events in this
world are closely related to
Bible prophecies.
R. Mason
Bedfordshire, England
Punk Rock
enjoy your magazine very
much and believe that it does
shed a clearer light on many
important issues. However, I
must object to a question John
Halford asked in the May
issue that implied "punk rock"
to be as great an evil as high
divorce rates and child abuse.
This sort of bigotry is uncalled
for, especially if you wish to
reach a younger audience. 1
assume that "punk rock" was
considered eviJ because of
ignorance. "Punk rock"
promotes peace and !ove and
stands up for animal rights
and other worthy causes. We
listen to music that is loud
and fast, probably outside the
comprehension of John
Halford, but just as valid as
any other music. Please keep
up the good work but "don't
criticize what you can't
Jay Beichman
In the Classroom
The impact of
The Plain
is everywhere.
n my
son's history class (grade
10) ,
the teacher recently urged the
class to use the magazine for
reference material for thei r
projects and then asked for a
show of hands to see who
knew what the
Plain Truth
magazine was. My son said he
was amazed that all, except
for a few "rubbers" in the
class, were familiar with
Plain Truth.
Mathildo Feakes
St. Norbert, ManHoba
Correspondence Course
would really like to thank
you for the free magazines
you have been sending me.
They have helped me in
understanding"like no other
magazine has.
!'ve also just received
Correspondence Course
and can't tell you
how much it has helped me in
my life. You have saved me
from a life of frustration and
showed me the way to a joyful
life. 1 would like to show my
appreciation with a
contribution that 1 hope will
help others as your
Correspondence Course has
helped me.
Paul Ugoliri
Regina, Saskatcbewan
"World Tomorrow"
1 have been watching your
program since I moved to
Consort. And I must say,
truthfully, this is the first
television program that gets
right to the point- you don't
beat around the bush. You
make the message clear and
easy for me to understand.
S t.acy Deagle
Consort, Alberta
Putting God First
Putting God first sure
used to wait and see
how far my money would go
first, but there always seemed
to be less. Now
send God 's
tenth first and it keeps
Emerald Cook
Lillooet, Bri tish Columbia
A Divided City
As a British student
currently studying in
was interested to
read the May article "A
New Look at a Divided
would like, however, to
point out sorne errors which
occur in the article. Berlín
does not belong to "two
different countries" as stated.
West Berlin is actually still
"under occupation" by the
Allies (USA, Great Britain,
France, USSR). The city is
free to develop its ties with
the Federal Republic whilst
not being governed by it nor a
part of it. Berlín residents do
not have a West German
passport, they have instead a
"Berlin Ausweis" (Berlin
The town of Helmstedt is a
border town, but is in West
Germany not East Germany,
as stated.
lan Morton-Jones
Birkenfeld, Federal Republic
of Germany
The site of the battle between
the Earl of Tyrone and the
army of Queen Elizabeth
(see "When Peace Comes to
lreland," Oct. issue) was
misspelled in sorne editions. l t
should have been