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(Continued from page 4)
man- a maJe human .
was in
God's supreme PURPOSE that the
man reproduce his kind. But the
man was unable to do that-UNTIL
God completed the human creation
physically by the addition of a
woman, made from the man. So
God anesthetized the man and
extracted a rib out of which he
made the woman, named Eve. Then
MAN'S physical creation was com–
plete. Man could now reproduce
his kind.
But MAN was not yet spiritually
and mentally complete.
Human Mind vs. Animal Braln
Man could not be made into the
spi ritual and character image of
God without the power of MIND–
thinking, reasoning, decision-mak–
ing intell igence.
The modern science of brai n
research has demonstrated that the
small di fferences in human brain
and animal brain cannot explain the
vastly superior functions and out–
pul of the human br ain. The
human brain can acquire knowl–
edge of chemistry, geology, ast ron–
omy, physics--one might say all
the vast intricacies of knowledge
contained in a many-volumed ency–
clopedia. Man can think- he can
put many parts of such knowledge
together in a thinking and reason–
ing process. Man has decision-mak–
ing ability.
Man has the faculty to use j udg–
ment and wisdom. Man has an
appreciation of music, art and liter–
ature. Man formu lates altitudes of
!ove, cooperation, sympathy, con–
cern for the good and welfare of
others, or, on the other hand, alti–
tudes of envy, jealousy, d isgust,
hatred, competition, strife, revenge
and conspiracy fo r perpetrating
evil. Animal brain is capable of
none of these.
It is only by revealed knowledge
that this tremendous difference can
be known. And the written Word
of God reveals it as the presence of
human s pirit within man that
sparks, constrains and empowers
the physical brain in humans with
But scientists, bound and beld
captive by the false concept of evo-
lution, cannot admit the existence
of any such spirit. Their minds are
But understand . The human
spirit cannot see, hear , taste, smell
or feel-yet al! human knowledge
enters the brain tbrough one of
those five channels. The human
spiri t cannot think. I t is the brain
that thinks, as the human spirit
empowers it. I t is the brain that
makes decisions, formulates alti–
tudes, develops character, either
good or evi l.
Now WHY did tbe Creator God
put human spirit within MAN, while
no such spi rit is present in animals?
The very PURPOSE being worked
out here below is God's supreme
A whole new world is
about to break forth- a
new civilization based on
God's law and his
government. It will bring
world peace, joy and
THROUGH MAN. Man was created
from the ground of the earth, yet to
have a relationship with his Maker.
God is composed of Spirit. l t is the
divine PURPOSE that man, once
godly character is developed within
him, shall be changed from mortal
and physical human to immortal
and divine Goo.
God and the Word now form the
Man may be begot–
ten, and then later born as divine
is the incredible human
potential that each human may
become a c hi ld of God, one of the
very Goo FAMIL
Goo is supreme perfect spiritual
CHARACTER. Before Adam could
even qualify to be begotten into the
Goo family, he had to CHOOSE
between the wA
of God and the
of Satan who still sat on the
throne of the earth.
The Two Symbolic Trees
God placed Adam and Eve after
creation in the beautiful garden of
Eden. In its midst were two special
symbolic trees of tremendous sig-
nificance . Ad am did no t have
immor tal God-life, but God freely
to him through the tree
of LIFE. Adam had to choose
between the government of Satan
with its self-centered way of life,
and the government of Goo witb
its Goo-centered way of life. Each
way of life was the basic LA
of a
OOVERNMENT. God could have
RESTORED the government of God
on eartb through Adam, had be
chosen that WA
But Adam wi ll ingly disobeyed
God. Adam took TO HIMSELF the
knowledge- that is, the production
of knowledge--of what is good and
what is evil (Gen. 3).
Thus t he first created human dis–
believed God, disobeyed God, chose
lO go HIS OWN WAY, do his
thing. Adam did it willingly, but not
apparently willfully. H e had suc–
cumbed tO the GOVERNMENT of
Satan, choosing the LAw of that gov–
ernment, leading automatically into
attitudes of self-glory, coveting,
competition, desire to OET rather
than God's way of GIVE.
All humanity carne out of Adam
and Eve. The present world was
FOUNDED in them. Tbe WORLD has
ever since been HELD CAPTIVE BY
But God the Father was to pay
the ransom price and even yet bring
his potential spiritual children back
to him. Upon Adam's sin, God
closed off the tree of life, until the
second Adam, J esus Christ , should
pay the ransom pr ice.
Meanwhi le, God set a par t a
7,000-year period to complete his
origi nal SUPREME PURPOSE of
reproducing himself through man.
Jt was a MASTER PLAN for working
out the PURPOSE here below.
For almost 6,000 years a civi liza–
tion has developed, wbich we call
the world. But it has been a world
held captive. To tbis day Satan is
s till on that throne. But his time is
almost up. A whole new world is
about to break forth-a new civili–
zation based on God's law and his
government. l t will bring world
peace, j oy and prosperity.
will be
established by the returning Jesus
Christ, in this generation, at the
close of 6,000 years of human expe–
rience. Satan will be removed from
power, and humans will finally
learn God's way is best. o