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Your Children!
Ronald O. Kelly
In a world fi lled with temptations, it's important not only to teach your
children- but to
them on a genuine value system.
days ago in one of
my college classes I
did something I sel–
dom do-1 recommended a
currently popular movie.
There was not only entertai n–
ment value, but s ignificant his–
torical and cultu ral in formation
in the movie.
That same afternoon, not knowing
at all what 1 had done, another pro–
fessor mentioned the same movie to
his class. But he thought it was unac–
ceptable for family viewing. From
his point of view, the innuendo and
the possibility, especially for young–
er children, of acceptance of an
improper life-style overrode any
educational or entertainment benefit
the movie might have.
The next day in the faculty
lunchroom l brought up the pre–
vious day's events- we both were
unaware of each other's feelings. A
friendly conversation developed
that brought in the dean of stu–
dents and severa! other facu lty
members. The conversation !asted
most of the lunch hour. Sorne very
cogent thoughts were brought into
the d iscussion.
The other professor has four
children and L have five. We both
share the same common, deep
desire to rear our children accord–
ing to the highest principies and
November / December 1984
values- values we both very much
As the conversation developed, it
centered, not so much on the one
movie, but on how movies, televi–
sion, magazines and the society in
general so powerfully influence our
Most of us who were at the table
are parents and we are all keenly
aware of just how true the otber pro–
fessor's warnings are.
Plain Truth
readers also generally know how
strong are the improper influences
that surround our children.
The Temptations of
The natural question all
parents ask is, How can
we prevent or coun–
teract all these tempta–
tions and jnfluences
upon our children?
There has not been a
period in history when
young people, especial–
l y in the Western
world, have bad so
many pulls, tempta–
tions and struggles as
in our time today. The
influence of hard drugs, alcohol
and liberal sexual values perpe–
trated through music, movies, tele–
vision and magazines is almost
beyond description.
Most parents are not even aware
of the messages broadcast in the
words of rock music and video.
Most parents know little more than
that they don't like it-and most
teenagers do. But the lyrics of
countless popular songs extol drugs
and illicit sex. And that is not to
comment on the deafening volume
at which much of this so-called
music is played.
Many parents don't watch the
television programs or for that mal–
ter see the movies, that young people
do. They may be totally unaware of
the messages to approve of or accept
homosexuality, lesbianism, transves–
tites, pre- and extramarital sexual
affairs, rebellion against
a uthority and drug
usage- all themes of
severa! currently popu–
lar movies.
But, again, how can
parents prevent tbese
influences from creep–
ing into the lives of chil–
Drop Out of Soc iety?
When one comes to
realize the power of the
impact of these in–
Auences in school and out of school,
there is a great temptation to disap–
pear into seclusion.
But tbat is neither possible, prac–
tica! nor frankly the answer to the
problem. Even if you took your fami-