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readiness. l t typifies the Swiss deter–
mination to survive. If threatened,
the entire Swiss nation plans to move
quickly and efficiently underground
where they hope they will weather
the worst of the storm.
The Other Side
Not all Swiss agree with these
extensive and expensive prepara–
tions. Sorne feel that it is ultimately
a waste of
nuclear war
is not survivable. Shelters, however
elaborate, give a sense of false secu–
rity, they say. And, they argue,
even if the Swiss do survive, would
it be worth it?
Latest research indicates that the
effect of nuclear devas–
tation might be worse
than has been thought.
When the s urvivors
crawl from their shelt–
ers on the "day after,"
they would emerge to
find their nations
ruined, the atmosphere
polluted, and the struc–
ture of the ecosphere
permanently damaged.
Life in such a world,
even assuming it was
possible, would not be
worth living, say those
who oppose civil de–
fense preparatioos.
Sorne opponents take
this still further. I spent an
afternoon with Konradin
Kreuzer, a critic of the civ–
il defense program. It is
his opinion that by the
elaborate preparations
they have made to survive,
the Swiss may be, in fact, contribut–
ing to the chances of a nuclear war.
Switzerland holds a prestigious posi–
tion in the international community.
Publication of civil defense informa–
tion is a vital "part of Swiss foreign
policy. Opponents postulate this sort
of foreign policy should be trans–
formed into stating worldwide that
shelters are not a viable means nei–
ther in nuclear war nor in any forrh
of catastrophe of natural or technical
Many nations recognize the
Swiss are world leaders in civil
defense and come to them for
advice. The Swiss are generous
with their aid. They publish mate–
rial on survival topics in severa! lan-
guages. People around the world
have used this information to trans–
form their basements into nuclear
hideaways. But, says Mr. Kreuzer,
his nation is fostering the illusion
that nuclear war is survivable, and
thus it becomes a viable possibility.
Only by stressing the
of nuclear war, showing that no one
could possibly win, that even survi–
vors would be losers, could the dan–
ger possibly be averted.
Mr. Kreuzer believes that Swit–
zerland should use its considerable
Beneath the tranquil surface is fully
equjpped opera tion room in an
underground hospital.
international credi–
bility and focus all
its attention on
working for the pre–
vention of nuclear
war, rather than pro–
mulgate the "fic–
tion" that it can be
survived anywhere on earth.
What Have They Ove rlooked?
Most Swiss, however, take passive
comfort in the shelters. They rest
secure in the knowledge that if
worst comes to worst, they stand
sorne chance of survival.
The Swiss have prepared for the
unthinkable with characteristic
thoroughness. By the year 2000,
when the shelter program is com–
plete, the inhabitants of even the
most remote mountain valley will
have a place to go. Food, water,
fue!, air, medicine, clothing-the
careful Swiss have t ried to think of
But they
overlooked sorne-
thing- something of vital impor–
tance. That neglected source of
contemporary history-the Holy
Bible- shows a nuclear war will be
unleashed. It will be fought pri–
marily between two great powers in
Eurasia. No nation, however neu–
tral it tries to be, will escape the
consequences. The Bible predicts
that so great will be the devastation
that unless the war is halted, no life
would be left on earth (Matt.
will be stopped-just in time,
but only because of the supernatu–
ral intervention of the Creator God.
At that moment God himself will
enter the battle. He will send Jesus
the Messiah back to this
earth, with al! power and
authority. His m ission
will be to forcibly take
over the rulership of the
earth and lead the nations
into peace for 1,000
years-which is, inciden–
tally, the
"day after"
(Luke 21:36).
Any nation, or person,
who intends to prepare
realistically for future sur–
viva! must take these
revealed prophecies into
Albert Einstein once
observed, "Atomic physics
has changed our. world, but not our
thinking." The apostle Paul, writing
the book of Romans 1,900 years ago,
said plainly, "And the way of peace
have they not known" (Rom. 3:17).
I t is our thinking that must be
changed before we can ever know
When it comes time for the Mes–
siah, Jesus Christ, to shake the world
to its senses, he will not relax his grip
until all men are willing to give up
ways that have led to war, and
learn instead
way of peace.
Meantime God can
tect those scores of thousands who
been brought to their
senses, who have
ted their lives to him, and who are
even now learning the only way of
life that brings peace.
Those who are willing to do this
now are building the only certain
shelter against the dangers of the
is a protection that is to
be gained only by transforming the
mind, spiritually.