LOVED God- obeyed him com–
Two can't walk together except
they be agreed. They were in total
agreement and cooperation. Also
two can't walk together in contin–
uous peace except one be the head,
or leader, in contr.ol. God was leader.
T heir way of life produced per–
fect peace, cooperation, happiness,
accomplishment. This
AY of life
became a LA
Law is a code of
conduct, or relationship, between
two or more. One might call the
rules of a sports contest the "law"
of the game. The presence of law
requires a penalty for infraction.
There can be no law without a pen–
alty for its violation.
The very fact of law presupposes
GOVERNMENT. Government is the
administration and enforcement of
law by one in authority over the
law. T his necessitates authoritative
leadership--one in command.
When the only conscious life–
Beings existed, God was leader-in
authoritative command. Thus, even
when the only conscious life-Beings
were God and the Word, there was
GOVERNMENT, with God in supreme
command. Since they created other
conscious thinking life-beings, this
very fact of necessity put the GOV–
ERNMENT of God over all creation,
with God supreme ruler. Bear in
mind the government of God is
based on the LA
of God, which is
the way of life of outflowing LOVE,
cooperation, concern for the good of
the governed. And this law of God
produces peace, happiness, coopera–
tion thro.ugh obedience.
Very First Creation: Angels
First, befare al! else, the God family
created angels. Angels are spirit
beings, immortal, with power of
mind superior to human.
God creates in dual stages. Angel
life was not completed until CHAR–
ACTER had been formed within
them. Character may be defined as
the ability of a conscious thinking
entity to choose the way of life of
outflowing LOVE-God's law- and
to will to live that way of life, even
under outside contrary pressure or
contrary self-desire. Once CHARAC–
TER had been formed and lived,
angels, composed of spirit, could
never change.
Scriptures indicate a third of the
angels were placed on the earth
prior to final formation of their
Following the initial creation of
angels, God created the physical
UNIVERSE. Job 38 says plainly the
earth was created after angels had
been previously created. God placed
a tbrone of GOVERNMENT On the
earth. Both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28
reveal the cherub Lucifer being
placed on the throne of the earth.
II Peter 2:4 reveals that angels
SINNED. Lucifer was a super archan–
gel. Lucifer had been trained in the
administration of God's government
on the very throne ofGod in heaven.
He was supremely beautiful, daz–
zling in brightness. Vanity seized
him. Vanity is self-glory, self-cen–
teredness, concern for self even to
Evolution cannot explain
the problems and
frightening state of
humanity. Without revealed
truth you cannot
understand any purpose for
human life.
the point of hostility toward others.
He became jealous, envious, resent–
ful and hosti le against God bis Cre–
ator. He turned hostile to the law of
God. He tu rned to a way of life of
vanity, covetousness, envy, rivalry,
competition, violence and destruc–
tion. And this hostile way of life is
itself a LAW. It is the law of vanity,
self-concern, "do your own thing,"
rebel against the authority of God.
That, then, became the basic LA
of the GOVERNMENT of Lucifer,
whose name was changed to Satan
the devil. The name
So the government of God on the
earth had been replaced by the gov–
ernment of Satan. Angelic sin
brought physical chaos, decay, ruin
and darkness to the physical earth.
Man ls Created
In Psalm 104:30 it is revealed that
God sent forth bis Spirit, and
RENEWED the face of the earth for
Under Satan, darkness replaced
light. Later the Word spoke, "Let
there be light," and physical light
appeared on earth, dividing day
from the darkness of night. In six
24-hour days God renewed the face
of the earth formen, creatiog plant,
fowl, fish and mammalian life. On
the sixth day, God said, "Let us
[God is speaking to the Word]
make man in our image, after our
likeness" (Gen. 1:26). T he Eterna!
God (who became Jesus Christ
sorne 4,000 years later) formed
man of the dust of the ground
(Gen. 2:7), and upon breath of life
entering, man became a living (not
immortal) soul.
T his MAN was given temporary
physical existence, like animals.
But man differed from animals,
being in the form and shape of
God. Also, as many scriptures
reveal, man differed also in possess–
ing MINO, although animals have
brain precisely like human brain.
MAN was created to have a per–
sonal relationship with God- to be
begotten as children of God, finally
born into the Goo FAMILY.
Grand Purpose fo r Humanity
Precisely at this point we come to
the very root of the world in which
you live today. This is where it al!
started. This is the point in time
where today's world was started on
a course still continuing in our
time. All that had gone before–
the existence of the God family
from eternity-the creation of
angels-the creation of matter and
the material universe, the presence
of angels on the earth, the THRONE
and GOV ERNMENT placed On
earth- the SIN of Lucifer and
earth's angels, the replacing of the
Satan over tbe earth-all this was
the backdrop to the creation of MAN
on the earth.
What, then, was the divine PUR–
POSE for the creation of MAN on the
The very first chapter in all the
Bible reveals it. God-that is, God
and the Word-created MAN in
God's own image, form and shape.
T he wor d
is u sed in
Hebrews chapter one to designate
spiritual CHARACTER.
God created the
man in
dual stages. First, he created one
(Continued on page 44)