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Around the Corner!
Herbert W. Armstrong
The escalating nuclear arms race threatens the very survival of humanity.
Yet paradoxically, peace, happiness and prosperity are coming
in this generation!
replete with sto–
ríes of awesome
progress and ma–
terial development, accompa-
nied by appalling and still
escalating evils inflicting in–
descr ibable suffering, frus–
tration and death. Why?
I have enjoyed private con–
versations with many kings,
presidents, prime ministers, the
great and near great of industry
and education. I have discussed
with them national and world
problems, personal, social, eco–
nomic troubles. They are faced
with crises, fears and worries
completely beyond their human
abilities to solve. There seem to
be no solutions to the human
Scientists are concerned .
You live in a world almost 6,000
years along on its course of history.
You see the ·world as it is today at
this advanced stage of civilization,
with its systems of society.
It's like coming in on a motion
picture already far along on its
sequence of events. Not under–
standing what led up to the present
sequence of the story, you find
yourself perplexed to understand
what you are viewing. If we are to
happening in
November/ December 1984
this world- and WHY- we must
backtrack 6,000 and more years.
We must bring into view the ori–
gins, the causes, the events that
went before and led up to the per–
plexities of our day. In no other
way can we understand the present
and look into the future .
Overview in Retrospect
We look back far into prehistory, at
the beginning of life and all
There can be no understanding
of the present without a right
knowledge of origins. There is no
greater cause to present-day per–
plexity than the false premise now
holding universal acceptance in
modero education-the theory of
evolution .
Errors all too frequently arise
from a false premise, carelessly
assumed. The eyeglasses through
which all modero thought is viewed
is this theory of evolution.
prefer to believe this illus ion
because it is presently the educa–
thing, you can have no
rational understanding or explana–
tion of the conditions of the world
in which you live.
1 have learned that basic original
truth is revealed truth. Without it
you are left devoid of the knowl–
edge of reality. Evolution cannot
explain the problems and frighten–
ing state of humanity. Without
revealed truth you cannot under-
stand any purpose for human life.
Your very existence is without
So 1 give you here the only
rational approach and comprehen–
sion of conditions as they exist.
In the Beginning
In the very beginning, before all
else, there existed two living Beings
composed of Spirit, possessing
supreme mind, intelligence and
power, and of perfect righteous
character. They are revealed in tbe
biblical book of John, chapter one .
One was named the Word (the
spokesman- the
thought). The other was named
God . The Word ultimately–
almost 2,000 years ago-was born
as Jesus. The Word also was God–
the second personage of the God
family. As a human, Jesus was
"God with us"--or God in human
flesh, born of a virgin woman, but
sired by God.
"AJI things" were made by him.
In Epbesians 3:9 it is revealed that
God created all things
The Word and God
did they do? They created. How
did they live-what was their ''life–
style"? They lived the way of their
perfect character-the way of out–
When Christ was
baptized, God the Father said,
"You are my
Son." God
the Word. And the Word