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be curbed when the South a nd the
North become united in their
efforts to stamp it out. I ris h
Americans can also help. When
lrish Prime Minister Garret Fitz–
Gerald went to the United States
in March of this year, he said they
could help the Trish cause best by
refusing to contribute to "chari–
ties" that are known to finance
IRA activit ies. He is determined
to thwart the IRA's objectives to
establish a military dictatorship on
the island.
Proteslant paramilitary organiza–
t ions in turn respond to IRA ter–
rorists by causing more loss of li fe,
injury and damage to property. The
actions of both extremist groups
succeed only in sowing fear, divi–
sion and distrust throughout the
whole community.
What will happen "at the end of
lhe day," as the Irish say? Both
Catholics and Protestants agree
lhat a military solut ion won't work.
A pol itical solution has yet to be
found that will satisfy everyone.
Then what about a religious
solution? S ince there is a religious
conflicl, the only possible way toan
enduring peace must involve reli–
gion. Are all parties willing lo look
lo lhe law of God for a spi ritual
solulion lo their own attitudes and
lheir mutual problems?
Prince of Peace
The founder of true Chrislianily
carne lo "guide our feet into the
way of peace" (Luke 1:79). What
then did J esus Christ, as the Prince
of Peace, say about the way that
brings peace?
J esus said , " Blessed are the
for they shall be
called sons of God" (Matt. 5:9). A
real Christian man will work to
bring about peace in his family and
set an example in his community.
He will not support and follow
leaders and organizations that st ir
up strife, bitterness and hat red of
any form.
When Catholics and Protestants
battle it out with stones, firebombs,
fists and even guns, can they do it
"in Jesus' name"? A proverb for
the wise says,
" lt
is honorable for a
man to stop striving, since any fool
can starl a quarrel" (Prov. 20:3).
A true Christian wi ll heed the
words of Christ: " Love your ene-
mies, bless those who curse you, do
good to those who hate you, and
pray for those who spi tefully use
you and persecute you" (Mat t.
5:44). H atred cannot be in the
heart of one who obeys Christ 's
words. True lave is outgoing con–
cero to others. I l is a shari ng, help–
ing and giving type of attitude.
True Christianity is a way of life
based on helpfulness, toleration and
respect for other people and thei r
property. Too many in Northern
l reland are involved in a way of life
that includes prejudice, hatred , dis–
crimination, resentment and, in
sorne cases, outright murder.
There is too much hat red and
not enough love in Northern Ire–
land. Young children can sorne–
times be seen with faces contorted
by angry rage as they shout vile
curses at British soldiers or those
who have a different religion.
Sectarian hatred and prejudice
are learned at home and nourished in
the communi ty. The attitudes of
parents are passed on to their chil–
dren. Irrational violence can also be
traced to the home where children
too often are conditioned to brutali–
To salve t hi s problem will
require changes in child training.
Parents should first set a good
example by root ing religious preju–
dice out of their own attitudes.
They should not allow their chil–
dren to chant rhymes of sectarian
hatred or take part in mob action
on the streets.
T he educational syst em also
needs to be transformed. Divisions
start in elementary schools that are
either Catholic or Protestant. Cath–
olics go to segregated schools and
grow up without speaking to Prot–
estants until late in thei r teens.
(To overcome tbose barriers, Bel–
fast's Lagan College opened up its
doors three years ago to both Catho–
lic and Protestant youngsters. See
the accompanying interview about
this integrated school system.)
Discrimination in employment is
sti ll a problem in Northern Ireland.
Protestant- owned firms employ
mainly Protestants. Catholic firms
do the same. Employers don' t want
to upset their employees by hi ring
someone of a di fferent rel igion.
They have yet to acquire the cour–
age to be impartial in whom they
hire rather than practice sectarian
These c hanges ar e impera t ive
befare any peaceful solution can be
implemented. Most important of
al l, what's needed is a change in the
human heart and attitude.
When the Dream Becomes Possible
Will Ireland be united in the fore–
seeable future? The chasms that
divide the island are so deep and
wide, it could take years befare
there is any hope of reconciliation.
The dream of a peaceful unification
must be seen as impossible so long
as both the Irish and Ulstermen
have their human nature domi nated
by sectarian hat red , hostility, mis–
trust and anger .
Reunification is not a magic
cure-all that wi ll automat icall y
bring peace. The problem is how lo
share an island in conditions of
peace and reasonable fairness–
how people of d ifferent ethnic ori–
gins, rel ig ions and political views
can live together with toleration
toward one another.
No peaceful solution appears to
be on the horizon because the way
to peace is not practiced. Yet therc
will come a peacef.ul world of
tomorrow, the t ime when the gov–
ernment of God will be enforced by
the returned J esus Christ who will
peace. You can read of this
wonderful day for Ireland and for
the whole world in our free booklet
The Wonderful World Tomor–
row- What
l t
Wi/l Be Like.
The Irish dream of the day when
ancient and horrible hatreds wi ll be
forgotten. They dream of the t ime
when tbeir country can live in unity
and peace- living secure lives in
happiness. The prophet Isaiah said
that dream wi ll come true when
Messiah is King:
a king will reign in
righteousness.... Then justice will
dwe ll in the wilderness, and righ–
teousness remai n in the fruitful
field. The work of righteousness
will be peace, and the effect of
· righteousness, quietness and assur–
ance forever. My people will dwell
in a peacefu l habitation, in secure
d well ings, and in quiet resting
places" ( Isa. 32: 1, 16-1 8).
That truly will be the day "when
Irish eyes are smil ing ... when
Irish hearts are happy." o