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employment and political opportu–
nity. This discrimination led to the
uprisi ngs in 1641, 1798 and, most
recently, 1969.
Ulster Presbyterians such as
Henry Cooke, Thomas Drew and
Hugh Hanna became involved in
politics as early as 1820. Politics
and religion became mingled
together, remaining so to this day.
Why No Peace?
Why is there no peace in Northern
lreland today? The ethnic, reli–
gious and po1itical differences are
contributing factors. But the Bib1e
reveals a more important reason.
When God chose ancient Israel
to be his nation, he revealed a code
regulates human relationships and
governs human conduct. This
divinely revealed spiritual law
shows how to live at peace with
one's neighbor.
The apostle Paul's words de–
scribe those who have brought a
curse on Ireland : "Whose mouth is
full of cursing and bitterness. Their
feet are swift to s hed blood;
destruction and misery are in their
ways; and
the way of peace they
hove not known"
( Rom. 3:14-17,
emphasis ours).
The Way
The way of peace is revealed by
God's law. "Great peace have those
who !ove Your law," David prayed
extent that they wish to be gov–
erned. And by now, big numbers in
the North, on both sides, do not
wish to be governed. "
The Bible commands both sides,
" Pursue peace with all men," and
"Be at peace among yourselves"
(Heb. 12:14 and
Thess. 5: 13).
Politi cal bombings to force a
million Protestants into a united
reland is not the way to peace.
Neither is organizing Protestant
murder-gangs to fight Catholic
murder-gangs. That's the way to
sectarian civil war.
Cooperation-rather than divi–
sive antagonistic action-leads to
social stability. But North and
South have not yet been able to
work together on sorne of
the most essential matters
of common interest. They
have not known how to
begin a mutual campaign
to stamp out terrorism
perpetrated by eit.her the
Ulster Volunteer Force
(UVF) or the Provisional
lrish Republic Army
( JRA).
of law as a basis for their
way of life (Deut. 32:45-
47). This special knowl–
edge would make them a
wise and understanding
nation. So much so that
other nations would mar–
ve! and say: " 'Surely this
great nation is a wise and
understanding people .'
... And what great na–
tion is there that has such
statutes an d righteous
judgments as are in all
this law which 1 set
before you this day?"
(Deut. 4:6, 8, Revised
A uthori zed
Whether all Irish Ameri–
cans believe it or not , it is
documented that the 1RA
is part of the international
network guided and ex-
Pro-IRA slogan in support of 1981 hunger strikes of
Bobby Sands and others.
ploited by the Soviet
intelligence agency, the KGB. Both
P alest ini ans and Cubans have
trained IRA members in guerrilla
The many blessings ancient Israel
would receive for obeying God's
commandments are enumerated in
Leviticus 26. Notice one blessing in
verse 6, " 1will give peace in the land,
and you shalllie down, and none will
make you afraid."
But should the nation transgress
God's law by going the way of self–
ishness, jealousy and greed, God
said curses would come as a penal–
ty: "Cursed shall you be in the city,
and cursed shall you be in the
country" (Deut. 28:16).
That is happening in Northcrn
Ireland today. People live in fear.
The nation is under a curse for vio–
lating the great spiritual law God
set in motion at creation- to !ove
your neighbor as yourself.
How can peace and stability be
restored to this cursed land? There
is a cause for every effect. The
curse of discord is the direct result
of violating the spiritual law that
October 1984
(Ps. 119: 165). Not only did he !ove
and respect God's law, as the king
with sovereign authority David
enforced it in ancient Israel.
To have peace in any nation,
there must be a constituted author–
ity to administer the law fairly and
equally, state the punishment and
then see that all lawbreakers are
punished justly, swiftly and consis–
When the Iaw is not enforced,
crime and violence increase. The
painful result is anarchy and gun
law. That has happened in North–
ern Ireland.
lrish history for a thousand years
is filled with accounts of abuse of
authority and rebellion against con–
stituted authority, whether it was
exercised by the Danish, English or
Scottish lords. One man summed
up the situation in a nutshell when
he said: "Under our system, you
can govern people only to the
The JRA has a plan. It will con–
tinue to carry out bombings, shoot–
ings and other terrorism until the
British withdraw because of frus–
tration with the futility of it
The IRA believes that its tenacity
will eventually pay off.
But what does the IRA have in
mind for a free and united Ireland
if it ever succeeds? After talking to
leaders of the IRA and the lrish
National Liberation Army in 1981,
Otto von Habsburg became con–
vinced they are intent on over–
throwing the Dublin government
and replacing it with a Marxist
people's republic
(The Guardian,
July 10, 1981 ). Sorne IRA leaders
talk of a socialist state that will
redistribute Ireland's resources.
The power of the IRA can only