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about it. lt would be less willing to
follow the American lead, more
capable of working against Ameri–
can policies should it wish todo so,
and more of a risk as an ally of the
United States than one America is
able to control."
Nevertheless, influential policy
framers in the United States are
actually encouraging such develop–
ment of a militarily independent
Westero Europe.
For example, Melvyn Krauss of
the Hoover lnstitution in California
recently urged that the United States
"must reduce Europe ' s defense
dependence on this country.... The
Europeans must be made to realize
that, given unilateralist and anti–
Western sentiment in this country,
U.S. troops will leave Western
Europe one way or another."
"Moreover," Mr. Krauss added,
"the Europeans must have their
[own] nuclear umbrella to replace
the American one."
l t is largely the European depen–
dence on the United States that has
impeded the development of Euro–
pean defen ses , contended Mr.
Krauss. "When that guarantee is
removed," he emphasized , "and
Europe's military again becomes
important, people of daring and
imagination will be attracted to
serve. "
Few stop to reflect, it seems, on
the military genius that the Euro–
pean nations have generated in the
past- "people of daring and imagi–
nation" that, at times, have threat–
ened the entire world.
The fact is, as pointed out by
Josef Joffe at the Carnegie Endow–
ment for lnternational Peace,
America's 39-year- long presence in
Europe has been the key to
(Continued from page 1)
brings penalties, and one of
the penalties that we are reaping in
this world is poverty. God Almigh–
ty never intended it. Sin, then, is
the cause of poverty, of suffering,
of unhappiness and even of death.
all men would put their lives
under the government of God- if
they would live by God's laws- all
soon would be prQsperous.
But this world has transgressed
the laws of God. In the professing
Europe's unprecedented peace and
prosperity. America has been, Mr.
Joffe explains , "Europe's paci–
fier"- protecting not only Western
Europe from the East, but "the
half-continent against itself. "
"NATO's detractors ignore,"
claims Mr. Joffe, "the central role
America has played in pacifying a
state system that almost consumed
itself in two world wars."
During this time of pacification,
Europe's traditional adversaries,
France and Germany, have learned
to cooperate to an unprecedented
degree. And while possessing siz–
establishments, they
have not had to be concerned abou t
their ultimate security, provided by
the U.S. nuclear "umbrella" and
the "trip wire" presence of U.S.
forces in Europe.
Remove these forces and the
nations of continental Europe will
have little choice but to as quickly
as possible develop their own
replacement force. This time they
will likely cooperate with each
other, but not necessarily with the
United States, nor with Great Brit–
ai n, which is less than enthusiastic
about tbe possible emergence of a
"European pillar."
The British are known to be
edgy about all this talk- on both
sides of the Atlantic- of America
packing up, departing Europe and
leaving a united European defense
behind in its wake.
Where would such a develop–
ment leave Britain, a nation whose
ties to the Continent are tenuous at
best? This was perhaps best
reflected in a public opinion poli in
France in which Frenchmen were
asked to name their
foreign heads of government. Brit-
Christian world people have been
brought up to believe that "the law
is done away"- that we mustn't
obey that law today or we'll be
under a curse. That 's what many in
the professing Christian world
believe. Is it any wonder we have
inequality, suffering and poverty?
only this world will turn to God
Almighty and to God's ways and
live God's ways. You'd just be
dumbfounded at the result.
Jesus put the matter in its true
relationship when he commanded
us to seek first the kingdom of
ish Prime Minister Thatcher fin–
ished th ird-after the Ayatollah
Khomeini of Iran and Muammar
Kadafi of Libya, and ahead of Fidel
Castro of Cuba.
Role of Religion
Even the military and security fac–
tors will not suffice to cement a
new Europe together. The greatest
"glue" is religion.
Pope John Paul II has consis–
tently urged the nations of Europe
to "rediscover their roots," mean–
ing their Christian, or Catholic,
heritage. Peter Nichols, the Rome
correspondent for the
London, wrote on Apr il 6:
"John Paul ... has repeatedly
spoken of Europeas stretching to the
Urals. He sees his election as a sign
that Eastern Europe must be given
its just place as an integral part of
Christian Europe and not be treated
simply as a painful diplomatic ques–
tion. He insists on common Chris–
tian roots and, added to this vision, is
a dream of reconciliation between
Western Christianity and the East–
ern Orthodox churches."
The activities of the Yatican in
promoting European unity must
not be overlooked.
Continue to read the pages of
The Plain Truth
and see where the
inevitable trend toward European
unity will lead- and how its devel–
opment will gravely impact the for–
tu nes of both the British and
American peoples.
In the meantime, if you have not
yet done so, write for our free book
The United States and Britain in
grippingly lays bare
the true heritage and destiny of the
Northwest European and Nortb
American peoples. o
God. That is, to submit our lives to
the government of God (the king–
dom of God is the government of
God), to obey God's command–
ments, to live the life that God
directs in his Word, to really seek
after God and his ways, rather than
setting our whole heart and mind
on seeking after money. Jesus
Christ promised that when we have
done that first , material prosperity
shall then be added.
But you' ll need to find the spiri–
tual riches first because they' re the
more valuable. o