John Halford and Leon Sexton
In a world where leaders often falter, Thailand's King and
Queen show there is another way to reign.
is the ma rk of
g r eatne ss
t h at
should di stingu ish
wor ld leaders today?
Most heads of state are well–
educated, hard-working men and
women who desire to use their
positions of aut hority to improve
the lives of t heir people.
ing subordinates who share thei r
power, but not their dreams. Often
they face pointed criticism and rid–
icule from the media, knowing that
a small mistake, a sl ip of the
tongue, or a well-intentioned but
misguided policy will be seized
upon as evidence of corruption and
incompetence. For sorne, the price
of fai lure is exile, imprisonment or
the assassin's bullet.
is it any wonder that even in the
democracies, leaders have resor ted
to media t ricks and use of public
fun ds to in flue nce voters and
secure reelection?
Perhaps they know of no other
Relgnlng wi th a Difference
There is another way. A head of
decide to lead by example.
Eschewing politics a nd
petty rivalries, a leader
can magnify that position
as the leader of the people
by becoming the humble
servant of them all. In the
course of history, few
have had the courage to
try this way. Among the
exceptions, in this genera–
tion, are King Bhumi bol
a nd Q uee n S i riki t o f
We have wri tten ar–
ticles before about this
ded icated Royal couple
(see l nternational Desk–
"The Other Land of the
F ree," Ju ly-Augus t
1983). T h is- and we
make no apology for it–
is another one.
King Bbumibol Adulyadej discusses plans for a new reservoir witb loca l tr ibal leaders. His
Majesty is concerned witb tbe proper development of tbe forested nortb of Tbailand.
For nearly four decades
Kin g Bhumibo l and
Queen Sirikit have set the
world an outsta nding ex–
But heads of state must also live
with a political atmospbere of com–
petition, envy, intrigue and petty
jealousies. To often they must con–
tend with small-minded, self-seek-
should therefore not surprise
us that a few d isillusioned world
leaders resort to oppression and
brutal ity in order to preserve their
precarious positions of power. And
They have shown tbat a nation
can be encouraged and the lives of
its people imp roved whe n the
head of state fo llows the path of
kindness, patience and generosi-