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Can't Find Mates
Ronald D. Kelly
lt's a growing problem. Men and women who have hopes and dreams for a happy
marriage, but can't find a compatible mate. What is the answer?
than 50
years, the
Plain Truth
magazine has stood for
the highest mora l stan–
dards. We write frequently
about marriage with specia l
emphasis on how to have a
quality relationship.
We have written so often about
good marriages that we have
caused a response that requi res us
to address quite a different aspect
of the marriage problem. What
about t hose who simply cannot
fi nd a suitable mate?
In the J anuary 1984
Plain Truth
wrote an article entit led "Love,
Marriage and Sex." The accent was
on how important it is to get them
in the right order.
Most of the letters commenting
on that article were appreciative
a nd in agreement. But not all.
There were two categories who
responded somewhat negatively.
One represented the unfortunate
modero trend to promiscuity.
A large segment of society has
been doing what pleases the human
senses without regarding God's
instructions. Our modero Western
world satiates itself on food and
drink and plunges into a morass of
sexual promiscuity. Few heed the
signs of this moral crisis.
Mueh of the Westero world has
set asíde moral values in favor of
situation ethics. Many see no barm
in premarital or extramarital sex–
especially when done by "consent–
ing adul ts." Singles who don't
choose to marry often live together
as an experiment in compatibility.
Homosexuality, too, has become an
accepted standard for a minority.
When we write on the sacredness
of marriage and the holy purpose
for which God created mankind
maJe and femaJe, we are sometímes
asked: "Wby, you don' t mean to
imply if one chooses not to marry
that a person must deny sexual
relat ionships?"
That is not only what we mean to
imply- but boldly proclaim!
When the apostle Paul described
a world cut off from God's Holy
Spírit, he showed what the results
would be! "Sexual immo rality,
impuri ty and debauchery; ídolatry
and witchcraft; hat red, discord,
jealousy, fits of rage,
tion, dissensions, factions and envy;
drunkenness, orgies, and the like"
(Gal. 5:19-21, New International
Version throughout).
That is an apt description of a
jaded society in the late 20th cen–
And what did Paul say would be
the result of this life-style? " 1 warn
you, as 1 did before, that those who
live like this will not inherit tbe
kingdom of God" (verse 21).
l 'm sure no one gets any special
pleasure out of tell ing the world its
life-style is leading to destruction .
certainly won't get any votes in a
popularity contest.
But then this is not a popularity
contest we are in. lt's a life-and–
death struggle. Those who persist
in living contrary to God's laws will
pay the ultimate penalty for their
So this magazine will continue to
speak out for God's t ruth. After all ,
that is the name of the magazine–
The P/ain Truth.
For tunately, as indicated by our
mail , mos t of our readers are not in
that fi rst category.
But What About the Others?
The second category of letters
received could perhaps be best
illust r ated by t his letter t ha t
reftects the thoughts of severa! sin–
gle ladies who wrote me.
" Dear Mr. Kelly,
" 1 read with interest your article:
' Love, Marriage and Sex.'
cially appreciate your articles on
marriage. But you have created a
di lemma.
The P/ain Truth
marriage so beautifully. That 's the
kind of marriage 1 want.
" But where can 1 find a man who
will !ove me and respect me and
obey God's laws?
seems most of the meo 1 have
dated are more interested in sex
than marriage. Or they are not
interested in women at all.