U.S. edition; February 1983, all
English language editions), we have
shown the utter mathematical
improbability of even the "sim–
plest" components of life, Jet alone
lifc forms, coming into existence
and dcveloping through evolution.
Mutations and natural selcction
notwithstanding, there is no evi–
dence that life "evolved"- the
missing links are still missing.
But life does teach us something
about thc Creator, somethíng very
importan!, which neither evolution–
ists nor theologians understand-
something fundamental about
God's plan!
Life forms
after their
own kinds. This fact in itself con–
tradicts a basic tenet of evolution.
(By the term "kind," we do not
mean the intentionally limited defi–
nition of "species." For instance,
there could be many spccies such as
lions, tigers, etc., within a "cat
kind." But there is a total distinc–
tion between the "cat kind" and the
"dog kind," for example.)
Evolution requires major changes
in already existing lifc forms by
means of
gcnetic reproduc–
tive processes. (That is, invertebrate
to vertebrate: fish to amphibian to
reptí le to bird, monkey to ape and
hominid, and hominid to man.)
There is not one shred of proof in the
fossil record that genetic changes of
this magnitude have occurred-or
are even remotely possible- by any
known biological process. A careful
study of tbe anatomy and behavior of
numerous creatures clearly shows
how preposterous such an idea
actually is. Kind reproduces its own
kind! Only the creative process could
account for the geologic record and
the contemporary world.
But the fact of reproducti"on
after íts own kind also contradicts
the teaching of nearly all theolo–
gians about the purpose of God.
Those of you who read
The Plain
regularly already know that
God is reproducing himself! Jesus
carne to reveal the FATIIER. A "fa–
ther" begets children- reproduces.
Many theologians bclicvc in a deity
who is simultaneously omnipo"tent
and impotent. While they are willing
to allow roaches and amoebas to
reproduce themselvcs, they cannot
accept God as a FATHER reproduc–
ing himself. Yet we read, "And
will be a Father unto you, and ye
shall be my sons and daughters, saith
the Lord Almighty" ( 11 Cor. 6: 18).
(See also John 1:1 2- 13 and Hebrews
1:5 and 2:10.)
Does the Creat o r Meddle?
Would ít make any sense for a liv–
ing intelligent supreme Being to try
to thwart legitimate scientific
inquiry by "monkeying around "
with the laws of nature? Would a
Creator use cosmological trickery
to deceive human beings about the
creation they inhabit? The real
Creator docs not operate that way!
"The Lord by wisdom hath
founded the earth; by understand–
ing hath he established the heav–
ens" (Prov. 3: 19).
"These six things doth the Lord
bate: yea, seven are an abomination
unto him.... A false witness that
speaketh lies ..."(Prov. 6:16, 19).
The Crcator would not create a
universe or even a planet earth that
was itself
aja/se witness.
That would
hardly "declare his glory" and
"show bis handiwork" (Ps. 19:1 ).
Does that mean the Creator
intervenes? lt 's very much like
an airplanc with an automatic pilot.
The automatic pilot maintains the
direction, speed and altitude of thc
airplanc. Howcver, the human pilot
can overridc the automatic pilot at
any time.
What we call laws of nature are
like the automatic pilot. The Cre–
ator does on
and usually
occasions decide to override
the "automatic pilot." But there
was only onc parting of the Red
Sea. If thc Red Sea parted every
full moon, wc would certainly
expect to find a physical explana–
tion, not a supernatu ral one.
Spcctacular divine interventions
are unique and do not permanently
alter the "laws of nature." Similar–
ly, miracles that affect an individu–
al, such as a divine heaJing or an
inexplicable protection from seri–
ous bodily injury, involve only a
temporary or momentary alteration
or ccssation of existing physical,
chemical or biologica1 laws.
As more scientific discoveries
are made, whether at the galactic
leve! or the subatomic leve!, there is
only more evidence of law, design,
harmony and order-more evi–
dence of an intelligent, ever-living,
superpowerful Creator!
"For the invisible things of him
from the crcation of the world are
clcarly secn, being understood by the
things that are made, even his eter–
na! powcr and Godhead; so that they
are without excuse" (Rom. 1:20).
So the next time you read about
the wonders of nature or watch a
television program dcscribing sorne
fascinating scientific discovery,
don't be misled by evolutionary tcr–
minology and bias. Realize that you
are seeing the handiwork of a mas–
ter Creator!