The creation of the universe was
accomplished with a glorious dis–
play of light, heat, matter and ener–
gy-a display that still reverberates
throughout space and only recently
has been des<:,ribed by scientists as
the big bang!
Thousands of years ago David
wrote: "The heavens declare the
glory of God" (Ps.
19:1 ).
The mar–
veis known today- the incredible
size and power of the stars, the
enormity of galaxies, awesome phe–
nomena such as supernovae, pulsars
and quasars- tell us more about
the glory of God than David could
have ever imagined!
Age of the Universe
How old is the universe? The
answer to this question is almost
always misunderstood by creation–
ists and misused by evolutionists.
Creationists generally believe,
falsely, that the universe is hardly
more than 6,000 years old. On the
other hand, many evolutionists
falsely suppose that the great antiq–
uity of the universe somehow
"proves" evolution.
First of all , the Bible does not
say the universe was created 6,000
years ago.
simply says, " In the
beginning God created the heavens
and the earth" (Gen.
Authorized Version). The physical
evidence shows a universe and
earth of great age. At the Grand
Canyon alone one can see with the
naked eye the results of geological
processes that would require
immensely more than 6,000 years
to complete.
Further evidence from radiomet–
ric dating and as trophysics pushes
the age of the universe back to
more than ten billion years-or ten
thousand million years for our Brit–
ish readers.
Evolutionists seize on these mil–
lions of years out of necessity. After
all, they believe that given enough
time, anything can happen. Appar–
ently, sorne creationists also believe
that given enough time, evolution
could happen. Otherwise, why would
they so desperately attempt to
squeeze the history of the universe
into a few thoÜsand years in spite of
stubborn facts to the contrary? 8oth
viewpoints are wrong!
Necessity does not prove any–
thing. You need air to fly an air-
plane. Just because you have air,
that doesn't mean you automati–
cally have an airplane without the
need of a designer. 1n the same
way, just because you have billions
of years, that does not make evolu–
tion occur. The great age of the
universe does not in itself "prove"
evolution or creation.
But what does the age of the uní–
verse tell us? Why would a Creator
make it so long ago and maintain it?
Not only merely to "declare his glo–
ry," but for an astounding purpose!
The Creator is eterna!. H e
inhabits eternity
(lsa. 57:15).
What better way to teach tempo–
rary human beings something of
of eternity, tban to put
them into a universe that is millions
upon millions of years old?
Lite Demands a Lite
The earth teems with millions of
forms of life-animals and plants
of many distinct characteristics. Do
these life forms give evidence for
In two previous articles in
Plain Truth