Astounding Purposes
WHY has this world's "Christianity" failed to understand the
purposes of sex revealed in the Bible?
why God
created humans male and
female? Do you know
that God did not have to
¡nake humanity as He did if repro–
duction were His only purpose?
The First Sex Educator
God was the first great sex educa–
The Great God who created the
far-ftung universe, the earth and all
of its complex physical laws and life
forros, also created man and woman.
"Male and female created he them"
(Genesis 1:27).
God said of His creation, including
human sexuality, "it was
very good"
(Genesis 1:31).
God did not intend for sex to be a
source of shame, guilt or fear-or of
unbridled lust. Sex is meant to build
the family, not ruin it.
God created sex to play a role in
producing His crowning objective in
mankind: the creation, the reproduc–
tion of holy, righteous, mature godly
character! The right use of sex plays a
great part in building that character.
In Genesis 1:28, God blessed the
first man and woman and com–
manded them to multiply, replenisb
and subdue the earth. A great human
family was to be born to learn to rule
God's creation-mind and body in-
May 1980
Donald D. Schroeder
cluded-God's way, not through
their own human reason.
First Sex Education Class
We find in Genesis 2:7 that God
formed the male sex first. The first
man, Adam, was created from the
dust of the ground and began to live
when God breathed into bis nostrils
the breath of life. The man did not
know anything, apart from language,
but had full capacity to learn. He was
instructed by God and held responsi–
ble for God's revealed knowledge
(Genesis 2: 16-17).
Then God said, " l t is
not good
the man should be alone: 1 will make
him an help meet [or fitting] for
him" (verse 18) . And so God created
a helpmate-not as an afterthought,
but to complement and help the
God created woman from a signif–
icant and symbolic part of Adam's
own body- a rib next to his heart.
She was created to complement and
share life in every wholesome way
with the man- physically, mentally
and emotionally (verses 20-23).
God did not leave this man and
woman confused about sex or their
sexual differences. He did not leave
them to stumble and bumble around
ignorantlyorcarelessly intotrouble and
harm. Oneofthe first things Hedid was
instruct them about sex and the right
context of its use. God commanded the
man, "Therefore shall a man leave bis
father and his mother and shall cleave
unto his wife: and they shall be one
ftesh" (verse 24).
So, immediately after creating
Adam and Eve, God ordained mar–
riage as the proper outlet for their
sexual capacity and to help satisfy
and mature their emotional develop–
Befare we go any further, you need
to become aware of a special booklet
on marriage which takes an in-depth
Jook at the institutions of marriage,
the borne, and family life. It's titled:
In it Herbert W.
Armstrong reveals a startling truth
which has been altogether overlooked
by science, by religion, by education,
and by society!
To return to Genesis 2. l t is pre–
cisely the tragic failure to perceive
the implication of verse 24 that has
led to so much marital unhappiness
and fai lure, to sex abuse and sex
Note what is implied by God's
command in this verse. Marriage and
sex relationships are for a properly
prepared man and woman. A man
and woman need to be mature
enough, prepared socially and eco–
nomically enough, be educated and